This lab uses Tracker to measure and analyze the center of mass motion of a person landing after a jump. Students measure the acceleration of the person in free-fall and his acceleration while he is landing and slowing down. Students use the data to calculate the force of impact by the floor on the student during the landing. There are two video files: (1) the student bends his knees a maximum amount during the landing in order to decrease the force of impact by the floor; and (2) the student bends his knees a small amount in order to increase the force of impact on the floor.
The trz file contains two videos: (1) a long time interval during the landing and (2) a short time interval during the landing. The videos were recorded by Aaron Titus at High Point University.
The videos can be used with other video analysis software; however, the handout has screen captures from Tracker and instructions specifically written for Tracker.
Person Landing After a Jump Video Analysis Exercise
Students are asked to measure the force of impact by the floor on a person as he is landing on the floor after he jumps from a table. You will compare the impact force in two different cases: (1) he bends his knees as much as possible and (2) he bends knees a small amount. download 962kb .pdf
Last Modified: July 3, 2011
A. Titus, Computer Program PERSON LANDING AFTER A JUMP (2011), WWW Document, (
Titus, A. (2011). Person Landing After a Jump [Computer software]. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from
Titus, Aaron. "Person Landing After a Jump." (accessed 16 September 2024).
Titus, Aaron. Person Landing After a Jump. Computer software. 2011. 16 Sep. 2024 <>.
%A Aaron Titus %T Person Landing After a Jump %D April 25, 2023 %U %O video/quicktime
%0 Computer Program %A Titus, Aaron %D April 25, 2023 %T Person Landing After a Jump %8 April 25, 2023 %U
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