First Semester Introductory Physics Simulations Relations

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First Semester Introductory Physics Simulations contains Boston University Physics Applets: A Simple Pendulum
relation created by Bruce Mason

This is an animation of a simple pendulum.  As the pendulum swings, bar graphs display changes in potential and kinetic energy.

First Semester Introductory Physics Simulations contains Boston University Physics Applets: Dissecting the SHM Equation
relation created by Bruce Mason

This is an animation displaying two spring oscillators.  Users can view graphs of their motion from three views:  different amplitudes, different frequencies, and different phases.

First Semester Introductory Physics Simulations contains Boston University Physics Applets: Orbits and Angular Momentum
relation created by Bruce Mason

This is an interactive simulation that illustrates conservation of angular momentum in an orbiting object.

First Semester Introductory Physics Simulations contains Boston University Physics Applets: Orbits and Energy
relation created by Bruce Mason

This is an interactive tutorial that simulates orbital motion.  Users can set initial velocity of a small mass orbiting a larger mass and observe the different trajectories produced.  Energy vs. Time graph is included.

First Semester Introductory Physics Simulations contains Boston University Physics Applets: Pendulum at Small and Large Amplitudes
relation created by Bruce Mason

This interactive Java simulation depicts a pendulum undergoing two amplitudes of oscillation:  20 degrees and 135 degrees.  It illustrates the simple harmonic motion produced by small amplitudes, compared with the non-sinusoidal nature of large amplitudes.

First Semester Introductory Physics Simulations contains Boston University Physics Applets: Simple Harmonic Motion and Uniform Circular Motion
relation created by Bruce Mason

This is an interactive Java simulation that illustrates the relationship between SHM and uniform circular motion.

First Semester Introductory Physics Simulations contains Boston University Physics Applets: Simple Harmonic Motion Graphs
relation created by Bruce Mason

This is an interactive Java simulation that illustrates simple harmonic motion graphed as a function of position, velocity, and acceleration.

First Semester Introductory Physics Simulations contains Boston University Physics Applets: Solar System Simulator
relation created by Bruce Mason

This is an animation depicting the orbits of the four inner planets of the solar system.  Students can observe each orbital path relative to the others.

First Semester Introductory Physics Simulations contains Boston University Physics Applets: A Two-Car Race
relation created by Caroline Hall

This item is an interactive homework problem within this collection relating to two cars.  One car is stopped and will accelerate at a constant rate; the other car is traveling at constant speed.  When will one car overtake the other?

First Semester Introductory Physics Simulations contains Boston University Physics Applets: Displacement and Pressure in a Sound Wave
relation created by Caroline Hall

This is an interactive simulation that explores the relationship between displacement and pressure in a sound wave.

First Semester Introductory Physics Simulations contains Boston University Physics Applets: Free Fall Example
relation created by Caroline Hall

This is an interactive homework problem within this collection relating to free fall.  The accompanying animation depicts the motion step-by-step.

First Semester Introductory Physics Simulations contains Boston University Physics Applets: Springs
relation created by Caroline Hall

In this simulation, students stretch and compress a spring and view a simultaneous Force vs. Position graph that plots the magnitude and direction of the spring force.

First Semester Introductory Physics Simulations contains Boston University Physics Applets: The Gravitron
relation created by Caroline Hall

This is a simulation of the old amusement park known as The Gravitron.  Riders lined the walls of a large cylinder, which began to accelerate in rotational speed.  Eventually the floor drops away.  What causes the riders to stay "pinned" to the wall?  Why are these rides now commonly outlawed?

First Semester Introductory Physics Simulations contains Boston University Physics Applets: Vertical Circular Motion
relation created by Caroline Hall

This is a simulation designed to help students analyze the forces acting upon an objects such as roller coasters, which travel in vertical circular motion.

First Semester Introductory Physics Simulations contains Boston University Physics Applets: Work by Springs
relation created by Caroline Hall

In this simulation, a spring stretched to elastic limit is simultaneously graphed in Work vs. Position and Force vs. Position graphs.

First Semester Introductory Physics Simulations is required by Boston University Physics Applets: Driven Harmonic Motion
relation created by Caroline Hall

This is an interactive simulation within this collection that depicts the relationship between the force and the oscillating mass in a driven oscillator.

First Semester Introductory Physics Simulations is supplemented by Boston University Physics Applets: Ball on a String
relation created by Caroline Hall

This interactive tutorial combines a simulation of a whirligig with step-by-step help in solving a related homework problem.

First Semester Introductory Physics Simulations is supplemented by Boston University Physics Applets: Masses on a Turntable
relation created by Caroline Hall

This interactive homework problem simulates the common physics demonstration involving two objects of identical mass on a rotating horizontal turntable.  A Frictional Force vs. Time graph is depicted simultaneously as the turntable accelerates.

First Semester Introductory Physics Simulations is supplemented by Boston University Physics Applets: Measuring Coefficient of Static Friction
relation created by Caroline Hall

This item is a short tutorial which explains a simple method for calculating the coefficient of static friction.

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