Educational Uses of Interactive Video Vignettes

Visualize - Predict - Measure - Compare

Interactive Video Vignettes (IVVs) are ungraded web-based assignments for introductory physics students. They combine the convenience of online video with video analysis and the interactivity of individual tutorials. Each online vignette addresses a known learning difficulty. A typical vignette takes about 10 minutes or less to complete. It invites each student to make predictions, perform observations, and draw conclusions about a single phenomenon. The design of vignettes is informed by the outcomes of physics education research and is being refined through a research-based development process. The possible uses of vignettes include:

  • Online assignments similar to ungraded homework that carry completion credit (This enables students to make authentic predictions without feeling they are being judged.)
  • Examination preparation
  • A tutorial setting where students work in collaborative groups
  • A flipped classroom assignment where a vignette is completed before its topic is introduced in class
  • An online textbook enhancement.

Sample IVVs

Complete list of IVVs...

Education Research

Vignette Studio

With Vignette Studio software, you can make your own Interactive Video Vignettes or Interactive Web Lectures! More...

IVV Community

In the IVV Community you can communicate with other IVV users and post your own IVVs.