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written by Krista R. Muis and Bogusia Gierus
The authors examined whether students' epistemic and learning beliefs varied across different knowledge types in physics. On the basis of various beliefs frameworks, the authors predicted that individuals' beliefs would vary within a domain across the same content when presented conceptually versus procedurally. Participants were 81 high school students enrolled in an advanced physics course. Students completed a conceptually oriented test and a procedurally oriented test on the same content 1 week apart, and they immediately responded to the Epistemological Beliefs Assessment for Physical Science questionnaire after completion of each test. Results revealed that girls espoused more constructivist beliefs about physics for conceptual knowledge than for procedural knowledge, whereas the opposite was found for boys. Moreover, female students espoused more constructivist beliefs than did male students across both types. These results have important theoretical and methodological implications.
The Journal of Experimental Education: Volume 82, Issue 3, Pages 408-403
Subjects Levels Resource Types
Education Foundations
- Learning Theory
- Sample Population
= Gender
- Student Characteristics
= Affect
- High School
- Reference Material
= Research study
Intended Users Formats Ratings
- Researchers
- application/pdf
- text/html
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© 2013 Routledge Taylor & Francis Group
epistemic beliefs, gender differences, knowledge types, learning beliefs, physics learning
Record Creator:
Metadata instance created May 26, 2016 by Deleted User
Record Updated:
March 14, 2018 by Lyle Barbato
Last Update
when Cataloged:
October 15, 2013
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AIP Format
K. Muis and B. Gierus, , J. Exp. Educ. 82 (3), 408 (2013), WWW Document, (
K. Muis and B. Gierus, Beliefs About Knowledge, Knowing, and Learning: Differences Across Knowledge Types in Physics, J. Exp. Educ. 82 (3), 408 (2013), <>.
APA Format
Muis, K., & Gierus, B. (2013, October 15). Beliefs About Knowledge, Knowing, and Learning: Differences Across Knowledge Types in Physics. J. Exp. Educ., 82(3), 408-403. Retrieved October 22, 2024, from
Chicago Format
Muis, Krista R., and Bogusia Gierus. "Beliefs About Knowledge, Knowing, and Learning: Differences Across Knowledge Types in Physics." J. Exp. Educ. 82, no. 3, (October 15, 2013): 408-403, (accessed 22 October 2024).
MLA Format
Muis, Krista R., and Bogusia Gierus. "Beliefs About Knowledge, Knowing, and Learning: Differences Across Knowledge Types in Physics." J. Exp. Educ. 82.3 (2013): 408-403. 22 Oct. 2024 <>.
BibTeX Export Format
@article{ Author = "Krista R. Muis and Bogusia Gierus", Title = {Beliefs About Knowledge, Knowing, and Learning: Differences Across Knowledge Types in Physics}, Journal = {J. Exp. Educ.}, Volume = {82}, Number = {3}, Pages = {408-403}, Month = {October}, Year = {2013} }
Refer Export Format

%A Krista R. Muis %A Bogusia Gierus %T Beliefs About Knowledge, Knowing, and Learning: Differences Across Knowledge Types in Physics %J J. Exp. Educ. %V 82 %N 3 %D October 15, 2013 %P 408-403 %U %O application/pdf

EndNote Export Format

%0 Journal Article %A Muis, Krista R. %A Gierus, Bogusia %D October 15, 2013 %T Beliefs About Knowledge, Knowing, and Learning: Differences Across Knowledge Types in Physics %J J. Exp. Educ. %V 82 %N 3 %P 408-403 %8 October 15, 2013 %U

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