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published by the Annenberg Channel
These eight free professional development workshops for K-8 teachers present science concepts on the nature of light and its behavior. Each workshop is structured around a one-hour video that features footage of a complete science lesson by a master teacher. As each lesson unfolds, science and education experts provide commentary to expand on key points. Graphics, animations, and video demonstrations provide background information on reflection, refraction, color, human vision, light energy, and more. The workshops are designed so that teachers come away with an understanding that will help them engage students in their own explorations. This resource also includes a series of self-tests to gauge understanding. The workshop videos may be viewed at no cost online.  Registered users may also participate in forums and Teacher Talk email lists. DVD's are available on the website at an additional cost.

Teachers who participate in the entire workshop series are eligible for two graduate credits from Colorado State University (tuition applies). See Related Materials for a link to course enrollment information.

Please note that this resource requires Flash.
Subjects Levels Resource Types
Education Practices
- Technology
= Multimedia
Electricity & Magnetism
- Electromagnetic Radiation
= Electromagnetic Spectrum
General Physics
- Curriculum
- Color
- Geometrical Optics
- The Eye
- Elementary School
- Middle School
- Collection
- Event
= Workshop
- Instructional Material
= Course
- Assessment Material
= Test
- Audio/Visual
= Image/Image Set
= Movie/Animation
Intended Users Formats Ratings
- Educators
- Administrators
- application/flash
- application/pdf
- text/html
- video/shockwave
  • Currently 0.0/5

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Access Rights:
Limited free access
Videos may be viewed online at no cost; graduate credit available with payment of tuition; DVD available at additional cost.
© 2009 Annenberg Media
absorption, reflection, refractive index, retina, visible light, vision, photon
Record Cloner:
Metadata instance created November 26, 2012 by Caroline Hall
Record Updated:
August 19, 2020 by Lyle Barbato
Other Collections:

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Record Link
AIP Format
(Annenberg Channel, Cambridge, 2009), WWW Document, (
Science in Focus: Shedding Light on Science (Annenberg Channel, Cambridge, 2009), <>.
APA Format
Science in Focus: Shedding Light on Science. (2009). Retrieved September 21, 2024, from Annenberg Channel:
Chicago Format
Annenberg Channel. Science in Focus: Shedding Light on Science. Cambridge: Annenberg Channel, 2009. (accessed 21 September 2024).
MLA Format
Science in Focus: Shedding Light on Science. Cambridge: Annenberg Channel, 2009. 21 Sep. 2024 <>.
BibTeX Export Format
@misc{ Title = {Science in Focus: Shedding Light on Science}, Publisher = {Annenberg Channel}, Volume = {2024}, Number = {21 September 2024}, Year = {2009} }
Refer Export Format

%T Science in Focus: Shedding Light on Science %D 2009 %I Annenberg Channel %C Cambridge %U %O application/flash

EndNote Export Format

%0 Electronic Source %D 2009 %T Science in Focus: Shedding Light on Science %I Annenberg Channel %V 2024 %N 21 September 2024 %9 application/flash %U

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Science in Focus: Shedding Light on Science:

Accompanies Science in Focus: Force and Motion Workshops

A set of eight video-based workshops by the same publisher on the topic of force & motion.

relation by Caroline Hall
Accompanies Science in Focus: Energy

A set of eight video-based workshops by the same publisher on the topic of energy and how to teach it in grades K-8.

relation by Caroline Hall

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