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written by the Kansas State Physics Education Research Group and Dean A. Zollman
This resource illustrates the physics of quantum tunneling in one dimension.  Single and double barriers of various shapes can be used.  The wavefunction, probability, and energy-dependent transmission coefficient are displayed.  The tunneling particles can be electrons, protons, pions, or user defined, and their energy can be changed.  The width, height, and spacing of the barriers can be changed as well.
Subjects Levels Resource Types
Quantum Physics
- Scattering and Unbound Systems
- Upper Undergraduate
- High School
- Lower Undergraduate
- Instructional Material
= Activity
= Interactive Simulation
Intended Users Formats Ratings
- Learners
- Professional/Practitioners
- Educators
- application/shockwave
- text/html
  • Currently 0.0/5

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Access Rights:
Free access
Has a copyright or other licensing restriction.
barrier, double barrier, probability, transmission
Record Cloner:
Metadata instance created March 5, 2004 by Bruce Mason
Record Updated:
August 2, 2016 by Lyle Barbato
Other Collections:

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AIP Format
Kansas State Physics Education Research Group and D. Zollman, , WWW Document, (
Kansas State Physics Education Research Group and D. Zollman, Quantum Tunneling, <>.
APA Format
Kansas State Physics Education Research Group, & Zollman, D. (n.d.). Quantum Tunneling. Retrieved September 21, 2024, from
Chicago Format
Kansas State Physics Education Research Group, and Dean Zollman. Quantum Tunneling. (accessed 21 September 2024).
MLA Format
Kansas State Physics Education Research Group, and Dean Zollman. Quantum Tunneling. 21 Sep. 2024 <>.
BibTeX Export Format
@misc{ Author = "Kansas State Physics Education Research Group and Dean Zollman", Title = {Quantum Tunneling}, Volume = {2024}, Number = {21 September 2024}, Year = {} }
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%Q Kansas State Physics Education Research Group %A Dean Zollman %T Quantum Tunneling %U %O application/shockwave

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%0 Electronic Source %A Kansas State Physics Education Research Group, %A Zollman, Dean %T Quantum Tunneling %V 2024 %N 21 September 2024 %9 application/shockwave %U

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Quantum Tunneling:

Is Part Of Visual Quantum Mechanics

Visual Quantum Mechanics contains a series of simulations, tutorials, and pedagogy to help in the learning of concepts in quantum physics.  This material is suitable for a wide range of students.

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