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Search string: physics
Federation Services: MERLOT
Returned Records: 10
Results #1-#10 of 10

MERLOT Catalog Record
1 of 10 from MERLOT
MERLOT/Physics Editorial Board, MERLOT
This document outlines the criteria used to evaluate items in MERLOT/Physics by the Peer Review panel.
MERLOT Catalog Record
2 of 10 from MERLOT
Physics Force
This page provides a list of the demonstrations performed by the Physics Force as part of a Physics Circus outreach program. Explanations are provided for each of the demonstrations. Videos are provided for some spectacular ones.
MERLOT Catalog Record
3 of 10 from MERLOT
Rajeev Ahaja (Editor-in-Chief), Cogent Physics; Publisher: Taylor and Francis Group (UK)
Cogent Physics is a fully peer reviewed, open access journal with a mission to help researchers communicate with a global audience, and interact with expert scientists from across the physics community and beyond. Cogent physics considers theoretical, experimental, or applied…
MERLOT Catalog Record
4. Physics
4 of 10 from MERLOT
'The Boundless Physics is a college-level, introductory textbook that covers the complex and intriguing subject of Physics. Boundless works with subject matter experts to select the best open educational resources available on the web, review the content for quality, and…
MERLOT Catalog Record
5. Physics
5 of 10 from MERLOT
Open Learning Initiative
This free, online course "includes self-guiding materials and activities, and is ideal for independent learners, or instructors trying out this course package." "The Andes Physics course currently provides over 500 problems that are suitable for both calculus and non-calculus…
MERLOT Catalog Record
6 of 10 from MERLOT
Kurt Vanlehn, Arizona State University
Andes is an intelligent homework helper for physics.  That is, it replaces the pencil and paper that students would ordinarily use to solve physics homework problems.  Students draw diagrams, enter equations and define variables with the same freedom that they have when using…
MERLOT Catalog Record
7 of 10 from MERLOT
American Institute of Physics, American Institute of Physics
'The Center for History of Physics supports the efforts of the scholarly community to document, investigate, and understand the nature and origin of developments in modern physics and their impact on society through:Creating online exhibitsProviding grants-in-aid to…
MERLOT Catalog Record
8. Physics
8 of 10 from MERLOT
Utah State Office of Education
'This Physics textbook is designed for use in Utah during the 2013-2014 academic year. This book was developed by the Utah State Office of Education and is aligned to the Utah Science Core.  This book is based on materials originally published by the CK-12 Foundation under a…
MERLOT Catalog Record
9 of 10 from MERLOT
MIT Department of Physics Technical Services Group
The Technical Services Group at MIT's Department of Physics provides technical and teaching support for undergraduate courses at MIT. They have recorded an ever-growing collection of physics demonstrations for general use. These brief videos are publicly available on MIT Tech…
MERLOT Catalog Record
10 of 10 from MERLOT
Physics Circus
In today's schools there is a growing need to supplement and improve existing programs in the physical sciences. The goal of the physics circus team is to introduce and discuss a collection of fundamental concepts in physics using accessible language, familiar experiences,…
Results #1-#10 of 10