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An Introduction to Classical Test Theory as Applied to Conceptual Multiple-choice Tests
written by Paula V. Engelhardt
published by the American Association of Physics Teachers
edited by Charles R. Henderson and Kathleen A. Harper
A number of conceptual multiple-choice tests have been developed addressing many different areas of physics.  These tests are typically used to determine what difficulties students have with specific content and to evaluate teaching practices and curriculum.  The purpose of this paper is to provide the reader with a general overview of the key aspects of the development process from the perspective of classical test theory and critical issues that distinguish high-quality conceptual multiple-choice tests from those that are not.
Reviews in PER: Volume 2, Issue 1
Book Title: Getting Started in PER
Series Name:  Reviews in PER
Subjects Levels Resource Types
Education Foundations
- Assessment
= Conceptual Assessment
= Instruments
- Research Design & Methodology
= Data
= Statistics
= Validity
Education Practices
- Professional Development
Mathematical Tools
- Statistics
- Professional Development
- Reference Material
= Article
Intended Users Formats Ratings
- Researchers
- Learners
- Educators
- application/pdf
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© 2009 Paula Engelhardt
Classical Test Theory, Conceptual Multiple-Choice Tests, Content Validity, Inter-Rater Reliability, Reliability and Validity, Variance and Standard Deviation
Record Creator:
Metadata instance created April 11, 2009 by Vince Kuo
Record Updated:
September 28, 2022 by Lyle Barbato
Last Update
when Cataloged:
April 11, 2009
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AIP Format
P. Engelhardt, , in Getting Started in PER, edited by C. Henderson and K. Harper, (American Association of Physics Teachers, College Park, 2009), Vol. 2, WWW Document, (
P. Engelhardt, An Introduction to Classical Test Theory as Applied to Conceptual Multiple-choice Tests, in Getting Started in PER, edited by C. Henderson and K. Harper, (American Association of Physics Teachers, College Park, 2009), Vol. 2, <>.
APA Format
Engelhardt, P. (2009). An Introduction to Classical Test Theory as Applied to Conceptual Multiple-choice Tests. In Henderson, C., & Harper, K. (Eds.), Getting Started in PER (2). College Park: American Association of Physics Teachers. Retrieved July 27, 2024, from
Chicago Format
Engelhardt, Paula. "An Introduction to Classical Test Theory as Applied to Conceptual Multiple-choice Tests." In Getting Started in PER. Edited by Charles Henderson, and Kathleen Harper. College Park: American Association of Physics Teachers, 2009. (accessed 27 July 2024).
MLA Format
Engelhardt, Paula. "An Introduction to Classical Test Theory as Applied to Conceptual Multiple-choice Tests." Getting Started in PER. Eds. Henderson, Charles, and Kathleen Harper. Vol. 2. College Park: American Association of Physics Teachers, 2009. 11 Apr. 2009. 27 July 2024 <>.
BibTeX Export Format
@incollection{ Author = "Paula Engelhardt", Editor = "Charles Henderson and Kathleen Harper", Title = {An Introduction to Classical Test Theory as Applied to Conceptual Multiple-choice Tests}, BookTitle = {Getting Started in PER}, Publisher = {American Association of Physics Teachers}, Address = {College Park}, Volume = {2}, Month = {April}, Year = {2009} }
Refer Export Format

%A Paula Engelhardt %T An Introduction to Classical Test Theory as Applied to Conceptual Multiple-choice Tests %B Getting Started in PER %S Reviews in PER %E Charles Henderson %E Kathleen Harper, (eds) %V 2 %N 1 %D April 11, 2009 %I American Association of Physics Teachers %C College Park %U %O application/pdf

EndNote Export Format

%0 Book Section %A Engelhardt, Paula %D April 11, 2009 %T An Introduction to Classical Test Theory as Applied to Conceptual Multiple-choice Tests %E Henderson, Charles %E Harper, Kathleen %B Getting Started in PER %C College Park %I American Association of Physics Teachers %V 2 %N 1 %8 April 11, 2009 %U

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