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Graduate and Undergraduate Students' Views on Learning and Teaching Physics
written by Gyoungho Lee and Lei Bao
This study describes graduate and undergraduate students' views on learning and teaching physics. We conducted this research with thirteen junior-level graduate students and four undergraduate students using web-based surveys and interviews. The results indicate that most graduate students use themselves as 'templates' for good learning methods and implemented them in their teaching practice expecting that the undergraduate students could do the same. On the other hand, undergraduate students have difficulties in learning physics and they need different teaching approaches from traditional methods.
Physics Education Research Conference 2001
Part of the PER Conference series
Rochester, New York: July 25-26, 2001
Subjects Levels Resource Types
Education Foundations
- Assessment
- Student Characteristics
= Affect
- Teacher Characteristics
= Affect
- Graduate/Professional
- Lower Undergraduate
- Upper Undergraduate
- Reference Material
= Research study
Intended Users Formats Ratings
- Researchers
- Professional/Practitioners
- application/ms-word
- application/pdf
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© 2001 Gyoungho Lee and Lei Bao
NSF Number:
PERC 2001, graduate students, learning physics, teaching physics, undergraduate students
Record Creator:
Metadata instance created September 27, 2006 by Lyle Barbato
Record Updated:
February 16, 2016 by Lyle Barbato
Last Update
when Cataloged:
July 26, 2001
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AIP Format
G. Lee and L. Bao, , presented at the Physics Education Research Conference 2001, Rochester, New York, 2001, WWW Document, (
G. Lee and L. Bao, Graduate and Undergraduate Students' Views on Learning and Teaching Physics, presented at the Physics Education Research Conference 2001, Rochester, New York, 2001, <>.
APA Format
Lee, G., & Bao, L. (2001, July 25-26). Graduate and Undergraduate Students' Views on Learning and Teaching Physics. Paper presented at Physics Education Research Conference 2001, Rochester, New York. Retrieved July 27, 2024, from
Chicago Format
Lee, Gyoungho, and Lei Bao. "Graduate and Undergraduate Students' Views on Learning and Teaching Physics." Paper presented at the Physics Education Research Conference 2001, Rochester, New York, July 25-26, 2001. (accessed 27 July 2024).
MLA Format
Lee, Gyoungho, and Lei Bao. "Graduate and Undergraduate Students' Views on Learning and Teaching Physics." Physics Education Research Conference 2001. Rochester, New York: 2001. of PER Conference. 27 July 2024 <>.
BibTeX Export Format
@inproceedings{ Author = "Gyoungho Lee and Lei Bao", Title = {Graduate and Undergraduate Students' Views on Learning and Teaching Physics}, BookTitle = {Physics Education Research Conference 2001}, Address = {Rochester, New York}, Series = {PER Conference}, Month = {July 25-26}, Year = {2001} }
Refer Export Format

%A Gyoungho Lee %A Lei Bao %T Graduate and Undergraduate Students' Views on Learning and Teaching Physics %S PER Conference %D July 25-26 2001 %C Rochester, New York %U %O Physics Education Research Conference 2001 %O July 25-26 %O application/ms-word

EndNote Export Format

%0 Conference Proceedings %A Lee, Gyoungho %A Bao, Lei %D July 25-26 2001 %T Graduate and Undergraduate Students' Views on Learning and Teaching Physics %B Physics Education Research Conference 2001 %C Rochester, New York %S PER Conference %8 July 25-26 %U

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