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written by Ruth Chabay and Bruce Sherwood
Available Languages: English, Spanish
This research-based multiple-choice test is designed to assesses student understanding of basic electricity and magnetism concepts. The test is suitable for college-level calculus-based introductory physics courses or for advanced high school physics courses.

The test is based on investigations of students' difficulties with concepts in electricity and magnetism and should be given in a 45-minute period. The reliability and discriminatory power of this assessment tool have been tested. The results are available at: Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research: Volume 2, Issue 1, Page 7,

This assessment is free for use by instructors in their classroom. As it takes years of development effort to create and validate reliable assessment instruments, access is limited to educators and researchers. The assessment is available through the Physport Assessment database to AAPT members and validated physics instructors. Access to the assessment requires that the user be logged into Physport/ComPADRE.
Subjects Levels Resource Types
Education Foundations
- Assessment
Electricity & Magnetism
- General
- Lower Undergraduate
- High School
- Assessment Material
= Test
Intended Users Formats Ratings
- Researchers
- Educators
- application/pdf
- application/ms-excel
  • Currently 0.0/5

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Free access
© 1997 Ruth Chabay and Bruce Sherwood
BEMA assessment, asessment for electricity and magnetism, assessment test, calculus-based assessment
Record Creator:
Metadata instance created June 15, 2006 by Bruce Mason
Record Updated:
July 12, 2016 by Bruce Mason
Last Update
when Cataloged:
June 23, 2005
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AIP Format
R. Chabay and B. Sherwood, (1997), WWW Document, (
R. Chabay and B. Sherwood, Brief Electricity and Magnetism Assessment (1997), <>.
APA Format
Chabay, R., & Sherwood, B. (2005, June 23). Brief Electricity and Magnetism Assessment. Retrieved July 27, 2024, from
Chicago Format
Chabay, Ruth, and Bruce Sherwood. Brief Electricity and Magnetism Assessment. June 23, 2005. (accessed 27 July 2024).
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Chabay, Ruth, and Bruce Sherwood. Brief Electricity and Magnetism Assessment. 1997. 23 June 2005. 27 July 2024 <>.
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@misc{ Author = "Ruth Chabay and Bruce Sherwood", Title = {Brief Electricity and Magnetism Assessment}, Volume = {2024}, Number = {27 July 2024}, Month = {June 23, 2005}, Year = {1997} }
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%A Ruth Chabay %A Bruce Sherwood %T Brief Electricity and Magnetism Assessment %D June 23, 2005 %U %O application/pdf

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%0 Electronic Source %A Chabay, Ruth %A Sherwood, Bruce %D June 23, 2005 %T Brief Electricity and Magnetism Assessment %V 2024 %N 27 July 2024 %8 June 23, 2005 %9 application/pdf %U

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Brief Electricity and Magnetism Assessment:

Is Referenced By Evaluating an electricity and magnetism assessment tool: Brief electricity and magnetism assessment

This journal article presents the results of research on the validity and discriminatory power of the BEMA assessment tool.

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