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Student Understanding of Superposition: Vectors and Wave Functions
written by Paul J. Emigh, Gina Passante, and Peter S. Shaffer
As part of a broad investigation of student understanding in physics, we have examined student ability with superposition throughout introductory and upper-division courses in physics. This research has focused on examining student ability to add and subtract vector quantities and the wave functions associated with quantum physics. We present results from a series of research tasks designed to probe student understanding of superposition in each of these contexts at various points in undergraduate instruction. In addition, we describe and discuss certain patterns in student reasoning that have been identified across the different tasks, contexts, and courses.
Physics Education Research Conference 2016
Part of the PER Conference series
Sacramento, CA: July 20-21, 2016
Pages 112-115
Subjects Levels Resource Types
Education Foundations
- Alternative Conceptions
Mathematical Tools
- Problem-Solving Techniques
= Superposition
- Vector Algebra
= Vector Addition
Quantum Physics
- Foundations and Measurements
= Probability and Interference
= Wave Functions
- Lower Undergraduate
- Upper Undergraduate
- Reference Material
= Research study
Intended Users Formats Ratings
- Researchers
- Educators
- Professional/Practitioners
- application/pdf
  • Currently 0.0/5

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Free access
This material is released under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the published article's author(s), title, proceedings citation, and DOI.
Rights Holder:
American Association of Physics Teachers
NSF Number:
PERC 2016
Record Creator:
Metadata instance created November 30, 2016 by Lyle Barbato
Record Updated:
December 31, 2016 by Bruce Mason
Last Update
when Cataloged:
December 29, 2016
Other Collections:

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AIP Format
P. Emigh, G. Passante, and P. Shaffer, , presented at the Physics Education Research Conference 2016, Sacramento, CA, 2016, WWW Document, (
P. Emigh, G. Passante, and P. Shaffer, Student Understanding of Superposition: Vectors and Wave Functions, presented at the Physics Education Research Conference 2016, Sacramento, CA, 2016, <>.
APA Format
Emigh, P., Passante, G., & Shaffer, P. (2016, July 20-21). Student Understanding of Superposition: Vectors and Wave Functions. Paper presented at Physics Education Research Conference 2016, Sacramento, CA. Retrieved July 27, 2024, from
Chicago Format
Emigh, P, G. Passante, and P. Shaffer. "Student Understanding of Superposition: Vectors and Wave Functions." Paper presented at the Physics Education Research Conference 2016, Sacramento, CA, July 20-21, 2016. (accessed 27 July 2024).
MLA Format
Emigh, Paul, Gina Passante, and Peter Shaffer. "Student Understanding of Superposition: Vectors and Wave Functions." Physics Education Research Conference 2016. Sacramento, CA: 2016. 112-115 of PER Conference. 27 July 2024 <>.
BibTeX Export Format
@inproceedings{ Author = "Paul Emigh and Gina Passante and Peter Shaffer", Title = {Student Understanding of Superposition: Vectors and Wave Functions}, BookTitle = {Physics Education Research Conference 2016}, Pages = {112-115}, Address = {Sacramento, CA}, Series = {PER Conference}, Month = {July 20-21}, Year = {2016} }
Refer Export Format

%A Paul Emigh %A Gina Passante %A Peter Shaffer %T Student Understanding of Superposition: Vectors and Wave Functions %S PER Conference %D July 20-21 2016 %P 112-115 %C Sacramento, CA %U %O Physics Education Research Conference 2016 %O July 20-21 %O application/pdf

EndNote Export Format

%0 Conference Proceedings %A Emigh, Paul %A Passante, Gina %A Shaffer, Peter %D July 20-21 2016 %T Student Understanding of Superposition: Vectors and Wave Functions %B Physics Education Research Conference 2016 %C Sacramento, CA %P 112-115 %S PER Conference %8 July 20-21 %U

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