Magnetic Bar Field Model Relations

Compadre Portal Related Resources

Magnetic Bar Field Model is based on Easy Java Simulations Modeling and Authoring Tool
relation created by Anne Cox

The Easy Java Simulations Modeling and Authoring Tool is needed to explore the computational model used in the Magnetic Bar Field Model.

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Magnetic Bar Field Model is the basis for
relation created by wee lookang

1 change the image to png in an attempt to fix the appear disappear when drag from didnt work though Angry
2 added a slider to simulate "magnetic flux density = 10 to 100 percent"
3 fixed the randomization checkbox to work now by adding to randomPositionCheck Action setLocation ()
4 fixed a bug on the markergroup and imagemagnet position not fixed to (xMagnet,yMagnet)
5 show magnetic field inside the magnet made
6 enable option to allow translation of languages

things i want to do but can't figure out yet.
a flip magnet simulation possibility
better color for the rombus <> blue and red instead of the current teal and red.

Magnetic Bar Field Model is the basis for 2 Magnetic Bars Field JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model
relation created by wee lookang

a remixed version on JavaScript
added second magnet
add ability to rotate

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