The Physics Classroom: Vectors - Fundamentals and Operations Relations

Compadre Portal Related Resources

The Physics Classroom: Vectors - Fundamentals and Operations supplements PhET Simulation: Motion in 2D
relation created by Caroline Hall

A simple simulation for beginners designed to help them differentiate velocity and acceleration vectors. Appropriate for middle school and high school.

The Physics Classroom: Vectors - Fundamentals and Operations has teaching guide Navigational Vectors
relation created by Tom Henderson

Explore nine lessons from a two-week unit on vectors by the Center for Innovation in  Science and Engineering Education (CIESE).

Other Related Resources

The Physics Classroom: Vectors - Fundamentals and Operations has student extra Vector Direction Help
relation created by Tom Henderson

Practice makes perfect. Try the Vector Direction page in the Physics Help section.

The Physics Classroom: Vectors - Fundamentals and Operations has student extra The Physics Classroom: Vector Direction
relation created by Tom Henderson

Need to see it? View the Vector Direction animation at the Multimedia Physics Studios.

The Physics Classroom: Vectors - Fundamentals and Operations has teaching guide Curriculum Corner
relation created by Tom Henderson

Learning requires action. Give your students this sense-making activity from The Curriculum Corner.

The Physics Classroom: Vectors - Fundamentals and Operations has teaching guide Treasures from TPF
relation created by Tom Henderson

Need ideas? Need help? Explore The Physics Front's treasure box of catalogued resources on vectors.

The Physics Classroom: Vectors - Fundamentals and Operations has teaching guide Physics-Math Connection
relation created by Tom Henderson

This tutorial contrasting the typical math and physics approach to vectors can be an enlightening read.

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