What is “Nepantla” and How Can it Help Physics Education Researchers Conceptualize Knowledge for Teaching? Documents

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What is “Nepantla” and How Can it Help Physics Education Researchers Conceptualize Knowledge for Teaching? 

written by Rochelle Gutierrez

This article draws on Latina/Latino studies to offer physics education a potential framework for reconceptualizing the "knowledge" teachers will need to engage marginalized students. Drawing on Gloria Anzaldúa's notion of Nepantla (a liminal space that facilitates transformation), I offer examples of teacher candidates as they come to recognize multiple realities in teaching mathematics to urban high school students. I suggest that as we prepare teachers, we must help them not only recognize a state of Nepantla (to see and participate in multiple realities) but also come to expect the uneasiness with being in that space as it offers potential for new knowledge.

Published October 20, 2008
Last Modified May 21, 2009

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