Education and Outreach Component of Your National Science Foundation CAREER grant Documents

Main Document

Education and Outreach Component of Your National Science Foundation CAREER grant 

written by Eugenia Etkina

In this interactive workshop participants will learn how to use the recommendations of science education and physics education research to write the educational outreach components for their NSF grants. The workshop will focus on formulating clear goals, ways to achieve them and assessments methods. Participants will learn about different approaches to structuring the educational components of their NSF grants, see examples of possible projects, and plan the educational outreach component for their proposal. Ways to use the NSF funding to improve their own teaching will be discussed. The participants will also learn how science faculty can collaborate with faculty from the schools of education to make the educational component of their projects beneficial for the preparation of physics teachers. The workshop is intended for physics research faculty who need an education component in their proposals and for science educators who would like to partner with them.

This file is available in multiple formats: .pdf, .ppt

Last Modified March 20, 2009

This file has previous versions.