This material has 7 associated documents. Select a document title to view a document's information.
This introduction to the 2005 New Faculty Workshop provides an overview of the goals of the workshop, some of the issues facing new faculty, and an outline of the potential solutions to be presented.
Released under a This document has no restrictions provided copyright information is retained. Copyright Ken Krane and the AAPT.
Published November 10, 2005
Last Modified April 11, 2006
This presentation at the 2005 New Faculty Workshop outlines strategies for effective assessment of student learning. It covers setting goals that can be assessed, and strategies for diagnostic, learning, grading, and instructor assessments. Examples in each category are given.
Released under a This document has no restrictions provided copyright information is retained. Copyright Grace Deming and Beth Hufnagel.
Published November 10, 2005
Last Modified April 11, 2006
This presentation at the 2005 New Faculty Workshop introduces the use of groups to help students develop problem solving skills. It covers the need for development of these skills, context-rich problems, and effective methods for using students groups for learning.
Released under a This document has no restrictions provided copyright information is retained. Copyright Ken Heller.
Published November 10, 2005
Last Modified April 11, 2006
This presentation from the 2005 New Faculty Workshop outlines the issues that arise from the small percentage of minorities and women in the physical sciences. Past, current, and future trends in populations are cited to illustrate the situation. Recommendations for creating a supportive department and case study vignettes are presented.
Released under a This document has no restrictions provided copyright information is retained. Copyright Jim Stith
Published November 10, 2005
Last Modified April 11, 2006
This presentation at the 2005 New Faculty Workshop outlines strategies for attracting and retaining physics and astronomy majors. It reports on the results of a study by the National Task Force on Undergradute Physics and presents examples from highly successful departments.
Released under a This document has no restrictions provided copyright information is retained. Copyright, Robert Hilborn.
Published November 10, 2005
Last Modified April 12, 2006
This presentation slide show from the 2005 New Faculty Workshop outlines ways in which technology can be used to enhance learning in physics and astronomy classes. "Technology" is used in the broadest sense, including the physical layout of classrooms and the tools students have for communication. Other topics covered include microcomputer based experiments and interactive lecture demonstrations, video labs, simulation and modeling software, online homework, just in time teaching, and peer instruction.
Released under a This document has no restrictions provided copyright information is retained. Copyright, Robert Beichner.
Published November 10, 2005
Last Modified April 26, 2006
This presentation at the 2005 New Faculty Workshop outlines strategies for managing the workload demands and stress that arise in starting an academic career. It includes both statistics and advice regarding topics ranging from time management, saying no, handling teaching demands, working with a department, and starting a research effort.
Released under a This document is copyright Diandra L. Leslie-Pelecky
Published November 10, 2005
Last Modified June 22, 2006
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