Elements of expertise in the use of analogies in a 3rd-grade science discussion Documents

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Elements of expertise in the use of analogies in a 3rd-grade science discussion 

written by David May and David Hammer

Expertise in science involves the generation and use of analogies. How and when students might develop this aspect of expertise has implications for understanding how instruction might facilitate that development. We're at the beginning stages of trying to understand analogies as students use them in science classrooms. In a study of K-8 inquiry in physical science, we have seen several cases of spontaneous analogy generation at different levels of sophistication. In the case presented here, a 3rd-grader generates a particularly well-developed analogy and modifies it to reconcile his classmates' counter-arguments, allowing us to identify in these 3rd-graders specific elements of expertise in analogy use

Published September 9, 2004
Last Modified July 7, 2013

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