Think First, Act Later - A Course Structure for Improving Student Designed Experiments Documents

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Think first, act later - A course structure for improving student designed experiments 

written by Nathan D. Powers, Dallin S. Durfee, and David D. Allred

There is a natural tendency for students to act first (e.g. - build and conduct experiments) and think later (e.g. - outline goals, identify challenges, predict outcomes, etc.). This is often apparent in labs that include student design components. We have developed a lab course structure that teaches students how to develop their ideas and make plans before beginning an experiment by providing multiple opportunities for peer and instructor feedback. As a result, we have seen significant improvements in the success rate and quality of student-designed experiments and presentations. We provide a detailed explanation of the course structure and rubrics and evidence of the impacts of this course structure.

Last Modified January 17, 2019

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