Comparing The Use Of Multimedia Animations And Written Solutions In Facilitating Problem Solving Documents

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Comparing The Use Of Multimedia Animations And Written Solutions In Facilitating Problem Solving 

written by Neelam Khan, Dong-Hai Nguyen, Zhongzhou Chen, and N. Sanjay Rebello

We compared the use of solutions to a problem in the form of multimedia animations and static worksheets to help students learn how to solve physics problems that required the use of mathematical integration. We administered four tasks related to electricity and magnetism problems. In each task, students individually attempted a pre-test problem followed by a worksheet problem based on the same concept. Then, we provided students the solution to the worksheet problem either as a narrated multimedia animation or in a written format. Finally, all students solved a post-test problem. Results indicate that on all four tasks, there was a statistically significant improvement in problem solving scores for both the animation and written solution treatments. We found no significant differences between the treatments.

Published January 24, 2013
Last Modified June 26, 2013