Influence of Learning Styles on Conceptual Learning of Physics Documents

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Influence of Learning Styles on Conceptual Learning of Physics 

written by Teresita Marin-Suarez and Hugo Alarcon

Several studies have shown the influence of scientific reasoning on the conceptual learning of students in courses developed with methodologies that promote active learning. Given that learning styles may also influence conceptual learning of physics, a correlacional study was conducted which used two different approaches of learning styles: the Honey-Alonso and Felder-Silverman models. This quantitative study was performed in two groups of students using modeling instruction in a college course of introductory mechanics. The Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation test (FMCE) was used to assess conceptual learning. The results of this work suggest the dependence of the conceptual learning of physics on the learning styles.

Published August 24, 2010
Last Modified October 29, 2010

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