Scholarships & Resources
This page provides resources for students who are learning physics. There are many extremely good resources on the web, and we have provided links to them. In addition, The Nucleus has a database of digital resources. This database can be searched by keyword as well as educational level. If you would like to suggest links or resources, please contact us.
Scholarship Opportunities
Useful Sites
A free, collaboratively edited, and multilingual Internet encyclopedia supported by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation.
Wolfram Alpha
A fundamentally new way to get knowledge and answers - not by searching the web, but by doing dynamic computations based on a vast collection of built-in data, algorithms, and methods
Wolfram Mathworld
The web's most extensive mathematical resource, provided as a free service to the world's mathematics and internet communities as part of a commitment to education and educational outreach by Wolfram Research, makers of Mathematica.
An educational resource about physics topics. The information architecture of the website is based on trees that organize topics from general to specific.
Browse Resources by Topic
- Astronomy
- Classical Mechanics
- Education Foundations
- Education Practices
- Electricity & Magnetism
- Fluid Mechanics
- General Physics
- Mathematical Tools
- Modern Physics
- Optics
- Oscillations & Waves
- Other Sciences
- Quantum Physics
- Relativity
- Thermo & Stat Mech