Rhodes College SPS Chapter
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September 21, 2006,
Dave posted
Club Information
Contact Information
Department of Physics
2000 North Parkway
Memphis, TN 38112
Chapter Members
- A Viano
- Mr. Alec Lindman
- Brent Hoffmeister
- David Johnson
- Deseree Meyer
- eleanor davis
- Dr. Jenna Smith
- Jennifer Thompson
- Josh Fuchs
- Lulu Li
- Michael Towle
- Stephanie Milazzo
The Rhodes College chapter of the Society of Physics Students (SPS) is comprised of students who share an interest in physics and a love of sharing their enthusiasm for science with others. The Society of Physics Students is a professional association explicitly designed for students, and governed by a national council of physicists and physics students, under the organization of the American Institute of Physics.
Chapter Officers: 2010-2011
President: Joshua Fuchs '11
Vice-president: Elizabeth Hook '11
Secretary: Rebecca Miller '12
Treasurer: Stephanie Milazzo '12
Additional Links
- Rhodes SPS YouTube Channel: The Rhodes SPS YouTube channel containing all of our awesome videos.
- Rhodes College SPS Barrel Implosion Video: Our most popular video! We implode a barrel with the power of air pressure!