Idaho State University
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December 18, 2016,
Emily john posted
Re: Club Information
August 16, 2016,
Justin TY posted
Re: ISU Physics to Celebrate Einstein’s Birthday at the Pine Ridge Mall
March 17, 2009,
Claire Chow posted
ISU Physics to Celebrate Einstein’s Birthday at the Pine Ridge Mall
Chapter Members
- Claire Chow
- Steve Shropshire
This is the club page for the Idaho State University SPS chapter. The photo above is from our "Eletrophying Physics" event we held at a local Mall on 4/2/11. About every month we hold a "Something Destructive" event. We have posted videos of several of these on Youtube. We hold an annual public demo show every April, with lots of hands-on interactive science activities for kids, candy shot from potato guns, and 90 minutes of fun demos. This year, the title for our 4/16/11 show is "Pyrotacular". If it burns or explodes, and we can even remotely link it to a science topic, we are all over it. We hold at least one LAN party every semester with massive Halo wars, or some other consul game competition. We visit 30 school or more a year with fun demo shows, host a PunK'n Chuck competition, a Science Olympics, and participate in the Science Trek program through the Idaho Museum of Natural History.