Davidson College SPS Chapter: 2015-2016 Activities


May 9: Transit of Mercury: Join us in front of Chambers for viewing the transit of Mercury.

April 29: Stargazing at Fisher Farms.

April 22: Field trip to the Aerodyn Wind Tunnel. The wind tunnel is primarily used for the testing of aerodynamics and performance of racing vehicles, and in particular, NASCAR cars.

April 21: Annual SPS and Physics Department Picnic at Dr. Christian's Farm. It happened to also be Dr. Christian';s retirement party. All students put on bowties, Dr. Christian's trademark wardrobe element. We had great food, played soccer, flew-crashed-and rescued a toy drone, and achieved one of our best ping pong ball explosions!

April 9: Stargazing on Chambers lawn. We co-organized with the physics department and the EAC Davidson’s first Star Party open and widely advertised to the entire Davidson community. We directed our telescopes and binoculars to interesting patches of the night sky and enjoyed hot chocolate and snacks appropriate for the occasion (Moon Pies, Starburst, Milky Way, Mars Bars, etc.).

April 2 and 18: SPS led Decision Davidson Events.

March 20: Kickball Tournament, 2-5 pm. Join us for kickball against the chemistry and mathematics departments...and as always, there will be light refreshments.

March Madness: Annual SPS NCAA Tournament Bracket Challenge. 15 students and faculty entered, Thomas J. and Dr. G. won.

March 19: SPS Meeting.

February 26: SPS Meeting. We held officer elections: For 20156-2017 academic year our new officers will be: Nikos Dokmetzoglou (President), Kaycee Gass (VP of Outreach), Ryan Stempert (VP of Interdisciplinary Affairs), and Vincent Hickl (VP of Professional Affairs).

January 19: First SPS Meeting, with PIZZA. Met to discuss and organize events for the coming of the semester.

January 15-17: Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics, Old Dominion University and Jefferson Lab. Students Layan Anabtawi and Yasmina Tabbal attended the conference.

September 10-January 6: Annual SPS Fantasy Football Challenge. 9 students and faculty entered; Tan Phan won.

December 8 & 10:  SPS  End-of-the-semester student research presentations and holiday party. 

November 13: Stargazing at Fisher Farms.  Our largest event, over 500 attendees viewed the stars, galaxies, and star clusters.

November 5: Stargazing as part of the Environmental Action Coalition's Do it in the Dark Event.   Unfortunately this event was cancelled due to weather.

October 30: Haunted Dana Science Building and Party. We had a great Halloween party and set up boo bubbles, Jacob’s ladder, Wimshurst machine, Van de Graaff, and other "spooky" apparatus. There was even music. Continuing a trend of best costume winners, Ryan Kozlowski won the costume contest as a dead ringer for Dr. Yukich.

October 18: Kickball Tournament, 2-5pm. Unfortunately torrential rains prohibited the "fall classic."

October 16-17: Society of Physics Students – Zone 5 Meeting (Joint NCS-AAPT), Davidson College. The SPS Zone 5 meeting was held at Davidson College this year and was a great success. There were 30 undergraduate students from across the state in attendance and 10 undergraduate research posters presented in a dedicated 1-hour SPS Poster session.

September 26-October 22: SPS GRE Prep. Join us and faculty for GRE prep sessions, in classical, modern, quantum, E&M, and stat/therm.

September 11: Vermonster Challenge for MS. Our bellies were willing and this year we did it.  However, due to some poor judging, we were not victorious.

September 2: First SPS Meeting of the semester.  Join us to discuss events this semester and learn about the Society of Physics Students and Sigma Pi Sigma.

August 28: Second Annual SPS Ice Cream Social. Over 60 SPS and prospective physics majors attended.  We made liquid nitrogen (experimental) ice cream as well as traditional store bought (theoretical/computational) ice cream.

August 25: Davidson College Activities Fair from 5:30-7:30 p.m., on Chambers Lawn. This is a super opportunity to connect with new students as well as upper-class students about SPS. 

July 14:  Summer SPS Picnic for research students and faculty.

June 14: Submitted 2014-2015 Chapter Report.

May 1: Ryan Kozlowski ran for Associate Zone Councilor for SPS Zone 5. Ryan was elected the 2015-2106 Associate Zone Councilor for SPS Zone 5.

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