Henry E. Bass Basic Acoustics Summer School at Ole Miss PURPOSE: The purpose of the Henry E. Bass Basic Acoustics Summer School (BASS) is to bring undergraduate students, distinguished Research Scientists of the National Center for Physical Acoustics (NCPA), and Discussion Leaders together to explore a wide variety of topics in physical acoustics and engineering. BASS will give students opportunities to do research directed by experts, exploring topics that are not ordinarily encountered in the undergraduate experience. STUDENTS: The focus of BASS is on intermediate and advanced undergraduate students (must have completed sophomore year). Participation is limited to three undergraduate students. LECTURERS AND DISCUSSION LEADERS: The Organizing Committee will select lecture topics and appropriate Lecturers and Discussion Leaders. The first week will include morning lectures on basic physical acoustics. After the first week discussion groups will be held one morning a week for the remainder of the program. RESEARCH PARTICIPATION: Each student will be assigned a research advisor and a research topic for the program. The student is expected to be working in the lab during the normal 8:00 – 5:00 business day, when not in organized lectures and discussion groups. Full-time participation of all is required. COSTS: Participants provide their own transportation to and from The University of Mississippi. There is no registration fee. Participants will receive a $2500 stipend and dormitory housing. Meal plans may be secured through The University of Mississippi (details will be provided with the application packet). PROGRAM: The Program will be held June 4, 2012 – July 27, 2012. Program information will be provided to all those who request the Application Forms. Complete applications for the 2012 Summer School must be received no later than 15 April 2012.
Application Packets may be requested from: Dr. Sara Davis Brown National Center for Physical Acoustics The University of Mississippi University MS 38677-1848 Phone (662) 915-6547 E-mail: sarad@olemiss.edu
National Radio Astronomy Observatory Co-op Program
Melanie Markman
133 Posts
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) Co-op Program provides opportunities for undergraduate students in engineering, applied physics, or computer science. This allows students to enrich their classroom learning experience by working closely with NRAO technical staff on projects at the technological forefront in radio astronomy instrumentation. Students in this program will work under the supervision of an NRAO staff advisor in one or more areas of: radio-astronomical research, instrument design, development, fabrication and testing; or scientific programming, digital instrumentation and/or analysis.
Full-time students who have registered in the Cooperative Education Program at a participating university can be funded to work at the NRAO for two or three semesters after completing at least 30 semester hours of college credit. Participants must maintain full-time status in a major that permits a cooperative work program, must have earned at least a 2.8 grade point average, and must be U.S. citizens or have authorization to work in the U.S.
Further information about this program can be obtained at the following website:
You may also contact:
National Radio Astronomy Observatory Human Resources 520 Edgemont Road Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 Phone: (434) 296-0265
The Universities Space Research Association (USRA) offers internships for the spring, summer and fall. Although the deadline for the summer 2011 internship has passed, this is valuable information to keep in mind should this opportunity be of interest to you. Please note the following:
NASA USRP provides hands-on technical and research experiences with outstanding NASA mentors. The Undergraduate Student Research Program (USRP) is located at 12 NASA research centers and facilities around the country. When you apply you have the opportunity to submit your application through SOLAR to your top 15 projects or opportunity choices. The OSSI SOLAR system is a new online application that allows students to search and apply for most NASA internship, fellowship, and scholarship opportunities. A single internship or fellowship application places the student in the applicant pool for consideration by NASA mentors. USRA encourages you to search the USRP Research and Locations webpage to learn more about the NASA Center's unique research focus areas.
The USRP internship consists of a 10-15 week research experience under the supervision of a NASA technical mentor. At the end of the internship, students will submit a technical report of their project. Selected students must be available to work 10 consecutive weeks at 40 hours per week during the Summer session or 15 consecutive weeks at 40 hours per week during the Fall and Spring sessions. USRP internships bring students on-site at a NASA facility to work on an ongoing NASA project. USRP gives undergraduates the opportunity to truly experience what it is like to work at NASA. NASA mentors expect USRP interns to work hard and make contributions to the project that they are assigned to. Therefore USRP projects are often challenging and genuine to the NASA mentors' project objectives. The Undergraduate Student Research Program is a unique NASA internship experience.
Please visit USRA's website for additional information at: