B. Bucy, J. Thompson, and D. Mountcastle, PERC 2006 Proceedings, 157-160.
Students in upper-level undergraduate thermodynamics courses were asked about the relationship between the complementary partial derivatives of the isothermal compressibility and the…
J. Thompson, B. Bucy, and D. Mountcastle, PERC 2005 Proceedings, 77-80.
We are engaged in a research project to study teaching and learning in upper-level thermal physics courses. We have begun to explore student functional understanding of mathematical…
B. Bucy, J. Thompson, and D. Mountcastle, PERC 2005 Proceedings, 81-84.
We report data on upper-level student understanding of entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics when comparing the isothermal and free expansions of an ideal gas. Data from pre-…