Welcome to Statistical and Thermal Physics, a collection of information and resources for teachers of Statistical and Thermal Physics. The resources in this collection are supplements to standard Statistical and Thermal Physics textbooks and include student activities, background information, and applications. New users may create an account to personalize their use of the Statistical and Thermal Physics web site. This will allow them to suggest resources, add comments, and organize resources.
STP Materials
STP Ising 1D Program
The STP 1D Ising program is a Monte Carlo simulation of a one-dimensional Ising model in equilibrium with a heat bath at temperature T using the Metropolis algorithm.
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Statistical and Thermal Physics
Text, simulation and other resources for Statistical and Thermal Physics by H. Gould and J. Tobochnik.
- Chapter 1: From Microscopic to Macroscopic Behavior
- Chapter 2: Thermodynamic Concepts and Processes
- Chapter 3: Concepts of Probability
- Chapter 4: The Methodology of Statistical Mechanics
- Chapter 5: Magnetic Systems
- Chapter 6: Many-Particle Systems
- Chapter 7: Chemical Potential and Phase Equilibria
- Chapter 8: Classical Gases and Liquids
- Chapter 9: Landau Theory and the Renormalization Group
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The Statistical and Thermal Physics Project is supported by NSF DUE-0442581.