Thesis Detail Page

Developing and Evaluating Research-Based Learning Tools for Quantum Mechanics
written by Christof Keebaugh
Here I present my work on developing and evaluating research-based learning tools for quantum mechanics. In particular, I will discuss the development and evaluation of two Quantum Interactive Learning Tutorials (QuILTs) focusing on Degenerate Perturbation Theory (DPT) and a System of Identical Particles. The QuILTs are guided by several learning theories from cognitive science and strive to help students develop a more robust understanding of the concepts covered. The investigation was carried out in advanced quantum mechanics courses by administering free-response and multiple-choice questions and conducting individual interviews with students. It was found that students share many common difficulties related to relevant physics concepts. They had difficulty with mathematical sense-making and applying linear algebra and combinatorics concepts correctly in this novel context of quantum mechanics. I describe how the research on student difficulties was used as a guide to develop and evaluate the QuILTs, which strives to help students develop a functional understanding of concepts necessary for DPT and a system of identical particles. I also discuss the development and validation of the DPT QuILT focusing on these issues and its in-class evaluation in the undergraduate and graduate courses that focused on these issues.
University: University of Pittsburgh
Academic Department:  Physics
Pages 840
Subjects Levels Resource Types
Education Practices
- Instructional Material Design
= Tutorial
Quantum Physics
- Approximation Techniques
- Multi-particle Systems
- Upper Undergraduate
- Reference Material
= Thesis/Dissertation
Categories Intended Users Ratings
- Pedagogy
- Tutorial
- Educators
- Researchers
  • Currently 0.0/5

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© 2018 Christof Keebaugh
Record Creator:
Metadata instance created July 30, 2019 by Bruce Mason
Record Updated:
September 28, 2022 by Sam McKagan
Last Update
when Cataloged:
July 19, 2018
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AIP Format
C. Keebaugh, , Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, 2018, WWW Document, (
C. Keebaugh, Developing and Evaluating Research-Based Learning Tools for Quantum Mechanics, Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, 2018, <>.
APA Format
Keebaugh, C. (2018, July 19). Developing and Evaluating Research-Based Learning Tools for Quantum Mechanics (Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, 2018). Retrieved February 17, 2025, from
Chicago Format
Keebaugh, Christof. "Developing and Evaluating Research-Based Learning Tools for Quantum Mechanics." Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, 2018. (accessed 17 February 2025).
MLA Format
Keebaugh, Christof. "Developing and Evaluating Research-Based Learning Tools for Quantum Mechanics." Dissertation. 19 July 2018. University of Pittsburgh, 2018. 17 Feb. 2025 <>.
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@phdthesis{ Author = "Christof Keebaugh", Title = {Developing and Evaluating Research-Based Learning Tools for Quantum Mechanics}, School = {University of Pittsburgh}, Type = {Dissertation}, Month = {July}, Year = {2018} }
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%A Christof Keebaugh %T Developing and Evaluating Research-Based Learning Tools for Quantum Mechanics %R Dissertation %D July 19, 2018 %P 840 %I University of Pittsburgh %U %O Physics %O application/pdf %O Dissertation

EndNote Export Format

%0 Thesis %A Keebaugh, Christof %D July 19, 2018 %T Developing and Evaluating Research-Based Learning Tools for Quantum Mechanics %B Physics %I University of Pittsburgh %P 840 %8 July 19, 2018 %9 Dissertation %U

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