This series of student tutorials for quantum physics, covering topics of wave properties of light and matter, probability, and wave functions. Included with some of the tutorials are pre-tests for the topic and related homework.
This material is based on the work on Intuitive Quantum Physics from the University of Maryland, and tutorials developed at the University of Washington
Classical Probability
This tutorial introduces students to probability (from a classical standpoint) and probability density in 1D. download 104kb .zip
Published: June 6, 2014
Rights: Copyright, Bradley Ambrose. Freely available for non-commercial use.
Relating Classical Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics
This tutorial guides students through the semi-classical reasoning to account for the shape of excited bound state, large N, wave functions. Includes Physlet exercise as "check point" at end. download 227kb .zip
Published: June 6, 2014
Rights: Copyright, Bradley Ambrose. Freely available for non-commercial use.
This is a lab-tutorial, intended for a 3-hr lab period, on use of spectrometer in analyzing H and He emission spectra. This work was adapted in part from UWPEG tutorial on multiple slit interference download 92kb .zip
Published: June 6, 2014
Rights: Copyright, Bradley Ambrose. Freely available for non-commercial use.
Shape of the Wave Function
In this tutorial, students work out that the quantum wave function must be sinusoidal for classically allowed regions and exponentially increasing or decreasing for classically forbidden regions. Students need to be familiar with time-independent Schrodinger equation in 1D prior to this tutorial. download 173kb .zip
Published: June 6, 2014
Rights: Copyright, Bradley Ambrose. Freely available for non-commercial use.
Wave-Particle Duality
This tutorial looks at quantum interference from both a wave and particle point of view. Students need to be familiar with deBroglie wavelength prior to this tutorial. Double-slit, single-slit, and Bragg scattering examples are included in the tutorial and associated HW. download 3299kb .zip
Published: June 6, 2014
Rights: Copyright, Bradley Ambrose. Freely available for non-commercial use.
Ambrose, B. (2014, June 6). PER-Based Tutorials for Quantum Physics. Retrieved February 9, 2025, from
Author = "Bradley S. Ambrose",
Title = {PER-Based Tutorials for Quantum Physics},
Volume = {2025},
Number = {9 February 2025},
Month = {June 6, 2014},
Year = {2014}
%0 Electronic Source %A Ambrose, Bradley S. %D June 6, 2014 %T PER-Based Tutorials for Quantum Physics %V 2025 %N 9 February 2025 %8 June 6, 2014 %9 application/zip %U
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