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- 49%: Problem Based Learning: Collision Investigation (1-D)
- 47%: Problem Based Learning for College Physics
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- 47%: Problem-Based Learning: Galilei 27 Orbiting Iris 2 (Part 2)
- 46%: Problem Based Learning: Measuring the Mass of a Car
- 44%: Problem Based Learning: Get Out! Designing a Highway Exit
- 44%: Problem Based Learning: Bungee Jumping
- 41%: Problem Based Learning @ University of Delaware
- 37%: Context Rich Problems: Teaching Introductory Physics Through Problem Solving
- 35%: Problem Based Learning for College Physics: What Is Problem-Based Learning?
- 35%: University of Delaware Problem Based Learning: A Day in the Life of John Henry, a Traffic Cop
- 33%: Context Rich Problems
- 30%: Context Rich Problems Online Archives: Force and Circular Motion at a Constant Speed
- 29%: Cooperative Group Problem Solving
- 29%: Peer Instruction Problems: Introduction to the Method
- 29%: Context Rich Problems Online Archives: Conservation of Energy and Conservation of Momentum