Materials Similar to Vernier calipers applet with many options for smallest division
- 39%: NTNU Java: Vernier Caliper
- 32%: PhET Simulation: Estimation
- 32%: Vernier Caliper Model
- 27%: Widener University Drill and Practice Tutorials
- 27%: Widener University Drill and Practice Tutorials: Significant Figures
- 26%: Physics Suite Thinking Problems: General and Mathematics
- 26%: The Applet Collection: Significant Figures
- 26%: Middle School Portal: Measurement Sliced and Diced
- 26%: National Physical Laboratory (NPL)
- 25%: Guelph Physics Tutorials: Dimensional Analysis
- 25%: Dimensional Analysis Tutorials
- 25%: National Physical Laboratory: School Posters
- 24%: Purplemath: Cancelling / Converting Units
- 24%: NCTM: Side Length, Volume, and Surface Area of Similar Solids
- 23%: Illuminations: Cubes