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published by
the The Pembina Institute
This page features a classroom project for secondary science education that integrates engineering design with optics and thermodynamics. Students work on teams to construct a solar oven with flat reflector panels. The project was designed to help learners understand that, to harness the sun as a source of energy, solar energy must be converted from visible light into heat or electricity. The construction kit calls for simple materials such as cardboard and duct tape, and includes a downloadable pattern for building the oven. Background information gives student and teacher support on the subject of solar heat and its applications. Registered teacher-users also have access to supporting lesson plans.
This resource is part of a larger collection of hands-on projects and teaching materials on the topic of renewable energy. Editor's Note: Although this resource is designated for use in Grades 6-12, the reading level for the student guide is Grade 9, and for background information is Grade 10. Overall, the concepts are appropriate for the cognitive level of Grades 7-8, but teacher scaffolding may be needed for unfamiliar vocabulary. High school students should be expected to complete the activity with minimal scaffolding.
AAAS Benchmark Alignments (2008 Version)4. The Physical Setting
4E. Energy Transformations
4F. Motion
8. The Designed World
8C. Energy Sources and Use
12. Habits of Mind
12C. Manipulation and Observation
12D. Communication Skills
Common Core State Reading Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects 6—12
Key Ideas and Details (6-12)
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas (6-12)
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity (6-12)
This resource is part of 3 Physics Front Topical Units.
Topic: Conservation of Energy
Unit Title: Energy Forms and Sources The sun is the ultimate renewable energy source. This page provides step-by-step directions for constructing a solar oven using simple, easily-obtained materials. It includes a pattern for building the oven, detailed background information, and construction plans for student use. Link to Unit:
Topic: Conservation of Energy
Unit Title: Renewable Energy Sources The sun is the ultimate renewable energy source. This page provides step-by-step directions for constructing a solar oven that really cooks -- using simple, easily-obtained materials. Includes pattern for building the oven, detailed background information, and construction plans for student use. Link to Unit:
Topic: Heat and Temperature
Unit Title: The Relationship Between Heat and Temperature The sun is the ultimate renewable energy source. This page provides step-by-step directions for constructing a solar oven using simple, easily-obtained materials. It includes a pattern for building the oven, detailed background information, and construction plans for student use. Link to Unit:
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Record Link
<a href="">The Pembina Institute. Build a Solar Oven. Calgary: The Pembina Institute, January 1, 2007.</a>
AIP Format
(The Pembina Institute, Calgary, 2007), WWW Document, (
Build a Solar Oven (The Pembina Institute, Calgary, 2007), <>.
APA Format
Build a Solar Oven. (2007, January 1). Retrieved September 12, 2024, from The Pembina Institute:
Chicago Format
The Pembina Institute. Build a Solar Oven. Calgary: The Pembina Institute, January 1, 2007. (accessed 12 September 2024).
MLA Format
Build a Solar Oven. Calgary: The Pembina Institute, 2007. 1 Jan. 2007. 12 Sep. 2024 <>.
BibTeX Export Format
Title = {Build a Solar Oven},
Publisher = {The Pembina Institute},
Volume = {2024},
Number = {12 September 2024},
Month = {January 1, 2007},
Year = {2007}
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%T Build a Solar Oven %D January 1, 2007 %I The Pembina Institute %C Calgary %U %O text/html
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%0 Electronic Source %D January 1, 2007 %T Build a Solar Oven %I The Pembina Institute %V 2024 %N 12 September 2024 %8 January 1, 2007 %9 text/html %U Disclaimer: ComPADRE offers citation styles as a guide only. We cannot offer interpretations about citations as this is an automated procedure. Please refer to the style manuals in the Citation Source Information area for clarifications.
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