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published by
the The Royal Society of Chemistry
This interactive periodic table merges science and art to explore the elements in a unique and visually striking way. The table is arranged in the traditional format, but each element is represented by a photograph or illustration relating to its origin or use. With a click, users can view extensive data and brief histories of 103 elements. Videos and podcasts have also been embedded for some of the more common elements, such as nitrogen, carbon, and sodium.
This resource, developed and maintained by the Royal Society of Chemistry, is available in both HTML and Flash versions. Some of the animations require additional plug-ins.
more than meets the eye
Author: Mary Salit There is some unique content beneath the shiny interface and pretty graphics here. Almost every element has a link to a podcast (and a transcript) describing its history and uses in an approachable narrative form, and links to videos and "resources."
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D. The Structure of Matter
This resource is part of 2 Physics Front Topical Units.
Topic: Particles and Interactions and the Standard Model
Unit Title: Properties of Matter This interactive periodic table merges science and art to explore the elements in a visually striking way. The table is arranged in the traditional format, but each element is represented by a photograph or illustration relating to its origin or use. With a click, users can view extensive data and brief histories of 103 elements. Embedded animations for common elements complete the package. Link to Unit:
Topic: Particles and Interactions and the Standard Model
Unit Title: Elements and the Periodic Table This interactive periodic table merges science and art to explore the elements in a unique and visually striking way. It's arranged in the traditional format, but each element is represented by a photograph or illustration relating to its origin or use. With a click, users can view extensive data and brief histories of 103 elements. Animations have also been embedded for some of the more common elements Link to Unit:
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Record Link
<a href="">The Royal Society of Chemistry. Visual Elements Periodic Table. London: The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2011.</a>
AIP Format
(The Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2011), WWW Document, (
Visual Elements Periodic Table (The Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2011), <>.
APA Format
Visual Elements Periodic Table. (2011). Retrieved September 14, 2024, from The Royal Society of Chemistry:
Chicago Format
The Royal Society of Chemistry. Visual Elements Periodic Table. London: The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2011. (accessed 14 September 2024).
MLA Format
Visual Elements Periodic Table. London: The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2011. 14 Sep. 2024 <>.
BibTeX Export Format
Title = {Visual Elements Periodic Table},
Publisher = {The Royal Society of Chemistry},
Volume = {2024},
Number = {14 September 2024},
Year = {2011}
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%T Visual Elements Periodic Table %D 2011 %I The Royal Society of Chemistry %C London %U %O application/flash
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%0 Electronic Source %D 2011 %T Visual Elements Periodic Table %I The Royal Society of Chemistry %V 2024 %N 14 September 2024 %9 application/flash %U Disclaimer: ComPADRE offers citation styles as a guide only. We cannot offer interpretations about citations as this is an automated procedure. Please refer to the style manuals in the Citation Source Information area for clarifications.
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