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the PhET
Students will have fun constructing simple molecules with this simulation, while also gaining insight about how to read molecular formulas. Click and drag atoms to see which ones bond to form diatomic molecules (composed of a pair of the same element.) Drag different atoms into the field to build a more complex molecule composed of different elements. After a molecule is built, it can be viewed in 3D models.
This item is part of a larger collection of simulations developed by the Physics Education Technology project (PhET). Please note that this resource requires Java Applet Plug-in. Editor's Note: This resource is appropriate for grades 6-12, with teacher adaptation. Basic concepts of molecular structure should be comprehensible in the middle grades. Students will recognize that the subscript in the molecular formula indicates the number of that atom in the molecule, and the coefficient indicates the total number of molecules. High school teachers may wish to introduce covalent bonding and electron sharing.
AAAS Benchmark Alignments (2008 Version)4. The Physical Setting
4D. The Structure of Matter
10. Historical Perspectives
10F. Understanding Fire
11. Common Themes
11B. Models
This resource is part of 2 Physics Front Topical Units.
Topic: Particles and Interactions and the Standard Model
Unit Title: Matter and Interactions Students will have fun constructing simple molecules with this simulation, while also gaining insight about how to read molecular formulas. Click and drag atoms to see which ones bond to form diatomic molecules (composed of a pair of the same element.) Drag different atoms into the field to build a more complex molecule composed of different elements. Link to Unit:
Topic: Particles and Interactions and the Standard Model
Unit Title: Molecular Structures and Bonding Students will have fun constructing simple molecules with this simulation, while also gaining insight about how to read molecular formulas. Click and drag atoms to see which ones bond to form diatomic molecules (composed of a pair of the same element.) Drag different atoms into the field to build a more complex molecule composed of different elements. Link to Unit:
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<a href="">PhET. PhET Simulation: Build a Molecule. Boulder: PhET, March 3, 2008.</a>
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(PhET, Boulder, 2008), WWW Document, (
PhET Simulation: Build a Molecule (PhET, Boulder, 2008), <>.
APA Format
PhET Simulation: Build a Molecule. (2008, March 3). Retrieved September 7, 2024, from PhET:
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PhET. PhET Simulation: Build a Molecule. Boulder: PhET, March 3, 2008. (accessed 7 September 2024).
MLA Format
PhET Simulation: Build a Molecule. Boulder: PhET, 2008. 3 Mar. 2008. 7 Sep. 2024 <>.
BibTeX Export Format
Title = {PhET Simulation: Build a Molecule},
Publisher = {PhET},
Volume = {2024},
Number = {7 September 2024},
Month = {March 3, 2008},
Year = {2008}
Refer Export Format
%T PhET Simulation: Build a Molecule %D March 3, 2008 %I PhET %C Boulder %U %O application/java
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%0 Electronic Source %D March 3, 2008 %T PhET Simulation: Build a Molecule %I PhET %V 2024 %N 7 September 2024 %8 March 3, 2008 %9 application/java %U Disclaimer: ComPADRE offers citation styles as a guide only. We cannot offer interpretations about citations as this is an automated procedure. Please refer to the style manuals in the Citation Source Information area for clarifications.
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PhET Teacher Activities: Molecules Are Made Up of Atoms
A turn-key set of lesson materials for introducing the simulation Build A Molecule in the middle school classroom. relation by Caroline HallKnow of another related resource? Login to relate this resource to it. |
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