Virtual Laboratory: Potential Energy Relations
Physics Front Related Resources
relation created by Caroline Hall
To extend learning, this Open Source Physics (OSP) model provides a platform for students to use the Easy Java Simulation tool to model their own version of a bouncing ball. Gravity can be set at any value from zero to 20, but the physics needs to be right in order for the model to work properly.
Other Related Resources
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relation created by Tom Henderson
Virtual Laboratory: Potential Energy is a student extra of
Physics Classroom: Analysis of Situations Involving External Forces
relation created by Tom Henderson
Virtual Laboratory: Potential Energy is a student extra of
Physics Classroom: Analysis of Situations Involving External Forces
relation created by Tom Henderson
Virtual Laboratory: Potential Energy is a teaching guide for
Physics Classroom: Analysis of Situations in Which Mechanical Energy is Conserved
relation created by Tom Henderson
Virtual Laboratory: Potential Energy is a teaching guide for
Physics Classroom: Analysis of Situations Involving External Forces
relation created by Tom HendersonCreate a new relation