B. Wilcox, M. Caballero, D. Rehn, and S. Pollock, Phys. Rev. ST Phys. Educ. Res., 9 (2), 020119 (2013).
Many students in upper-division physics courses struggle with the mathematically sophisticated tools and techniques that are required for advanced physics content. We have developed…
P. Emigh, G. Passante, and P. Shaffer, PERC 2016 Proceedings, 112-115.
As part of a broad investigation of student understanding in physics, we have examined student ability with superposition throughout introductory and upper-division courses in…
Q. Ryan, S. Pollock, and B. Wilcox, PERC 2015 Proceedings, 283-286.
Boundary conditions (BCs) are considered as an important topic that advanced physics under- graduates are expected to understand and apply. We report findings from an investigation…