- 72%: Changes in students’ problem-solving strategies in a course that includes context-rich, multifaceted problems
- 68%: Identifying Student Difficulty in Problem Solving Process via the Framework of the House Model (HM)
- 66%: Assessing student expertise in introductory physics with isomorphic problems. II. Effect of some potential factors on problem solving and transfer
- 63%: Multiple Modes of Reasoning in Physics Problem Solving, with Implications for Instruction
- 62%: Correlations among knowledge structures, force concept inventory, and problem-solving behaviors
- 61%: Resource Letter RPS-1: Research in problem solving
- 61%: Context Rich Problems: Teaching Introductory Physics Through Problem Solving
- 61%: The convergence of knowledge organization, problem-solving behavior, and metacognition research with the Modeling Method of physics instruction – Part I
- 61%: The convergence of knowledge organization, problem-solving behavior, and metacognition research with the Modeling Method of physics instruction – Part II
- 60%: Using qualitative problem-solving strategies to highlight the role of conceptual knowledge in solving problems
- 59%: Relevance and responsibility: preliminary results from implementation of a cooperative problem solving model in a large introductory physics course
- 58%: Teaching Problem Solving Through Cooperative Grouping. Part 2: Designing Problems and Structuring Groups
- 57%: Students' Perceptions of Case-Reuse Based Problem Solving in Algebra-Based Physics
- 56%: Effect of Self Diagnosis on Subsequent Problem Solving Performance
- 56%: Use Of Structure Maps To Facilitate Problem Solving In Algebra-Based Physics
- 56%: Interactive Problem Solving Tutorials Through Visual Programming
- 56%: Using Conceptual Scaffolding to Foster Effective Problem Solving
- 56%: Representational Format, Student Choice, and Problem Solving in Physics
- 56%: Facilitating Students’ Problem Solving across Multiple Representations in Introductory Mechanics