- 51%: Attitudes about science and conceptual physics learning in university introductory physics courses
- 51%: A direct comparison of conceptual learning and problem solving ability in traditional and studio style classrooms
- 50%: An Investigation on the Effects of Using Interactive Digital Video in a Physics Classroom on Student Learning and Attitudes
- 50%: The long-term effects of learning in an ISLE approach classroom
- 49%: An investigation on the effects of using interactive digital video in a physics classroom on student learning and attitudes
- 49%: Teaching about Inequity: Shifts in Student Views about Diversity in Physics
- 48%: Physics Career Intentions: The Effect of Physics Identity, Math Identity, and Gender
- 48%: Prior preparation and motivational characteristics mediate relations between gender and learning outcomes in introductory physics
- 47%: Welcome To America, Welcome To College: Comparing The Effects Of Immigrant Generation And College Generation On Physical Science and Engineering Career Intentions
- 47%: Implementation of Scientific Community Laboratories and Their Effect on Student Conceptual Learning, Attitudes, and Understanding of Uncertainty
- 46%: Comparing Student Learning with Multiple Research-Based Conceptual Surveys: CSEM and BEMA
- 46%: Preliminary Results of Gender Equity Variations in a Large Active-Learning Introductory Physics Course Due to Laboratory Activity Instructions
- 46%: Gender disparities in second-semester college physics: The incremental effects of a "smog of bias"
- 46%: Preliminary investigation of instructor effects on gender gap in introductory physics
- 46%: Cultural Models of Teaching and Learning in Math and Science: Exploring the Intersections of Culture, Cognition, and Pedagogical Situations
- 44%: What Can We Learn from Minority-serving Institutions?
- 44%: Sex differences in physics learning and evaluations in an introductory course
- 44%: Misaligned Visions for Improving Graduate Diversity: Student Characteristics vs. Systemic/Cultural Factors
- 44%: Belonging, Success, Access, and Disruption: Physics Faculty Goals for Inclusive Learning Environments