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Physics Faculty and Educational Researchers: Divergent Expectations as Barriers to the Diffusion of Innovations
written by Charles R. Henderson and Melissa H. Dancy
To identify barriers to the dissemination of innovative instructional strategies we conducted interviews with 5 physics instructors who represent likely users of educational research. One significant barrier appears to be that faculty and educational researchers have different expectations about how they should work together to improve student learning. This discrepancy was expressed directly (and often emotionally) by all of the instructors we interviewed. Although different instructors described different aspects of this discrepancy, we believe that they are all related to a single underlying issue: educational researchers expect to disseminate curricular innovations and have faculty adopt them with minimal changes while faculty expect researchers to work with them to adapt knowledge and materials for their unique instructional situations. We will explore this claim and the evidence found in the interview transcripts. We will also discuss implications for the educational research community.
Physics Education Research Conference 2005
Part of the PER Conference series
Salt Lake City, Utah: August 10-11, 2005
Volume 818, Pages 149-152
Subjects Levels Resource Types
Education Foundations
- Sample Population
= Instructor: Faculty
- Teacher Characteristics
= Affect
Education Practices
- Pedagogy
= Instructional Issues
General Physics
- Physics Education Research
- Professional Development
- Graduate/Professional
- Reference Material
= Research study
Intended Users Formats Ratings
- Researchers
- Educators
- application/pdf
- non-digital
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© 2005 American Institute of Physics
PERC 2005, dissemination of curricular innovations
Record Cloner:
Metadata instance created May 19, 2009 by Jenny Rempel
Record Updated:
May 25, 2012 by Lyle Barbato
Last Update
when Cataloged:
February 14, 2006
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AIP Format
C. Henderson and M. Dancy, , presented at the Physics Education Research Conference 2005, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2005, WWW Document, (
C. Henderson and M. Dancy, Physics Faculty and Educational Researchers: Divergent Expectations as Barriers to the Diffusion of Innovations, presented at the Physics Education Research Conference 2005, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2005, <>.
APA Format
Henderson, C., & Dancy, M. (2005, August 10-11). Physics Faculty and Educational Researchers: Divergent Expectations as Barriers to the Diffusion of Innovations. Paper presented at Physics Education Research Conference 2005, Salt Lake City, Utah. Retrieved January 24, 2025, from
Chicago Format
Henderson, Charles, and Melissa Dancy. "Physics Faculty and Educational Researchers: Divergent Expectations as Barriers to the Diffusion of Innovations." Paper presented at the Physics Education Research Conference 2005, Salt Lake City, Utah, August 10-11, 2005. (accessed 24 January 2025).
MLA Format
Henderson, Charles, and Melissa Dancy. "Physics Faculty and Educational Researchers: Divergent Expectations as Barriers to the Diffusion of Innovations." Physics Education Research Conference 2005. Salt Lake City, Utah: 2005. 149-152 Vol. 818 of PER Conference. 24 Jan. 2025 <>.
BibTeX Export Format
@inproceedings{ Author = "Charles Henderson and Melissa Dancy", Title = {Physics Faculty and Educational Researchers: Divergent Expectations as Barriers to the Diffusion of Innovations}, BookTitle = {Physics Education Research Conference 2005}, Pages = {149-152}, Address = {Salt Lake City, Utah}, Series = {PER Conference}, Volume = {818}, Month = {August 10-11}, Year = {2005} }
Refer Export Format

%A Charles Henderson %A Melissa Dancy %T Physics Faculty and Educational Researchers: Divergent Expectations as Barriers to the Diffusion of Innovations %S PER Conference %V 818 %D August 10-11 2005 %P 149-152 %C Salt Lake City, Utah %U %O Physics Education Research Conference 2005 %O August 10-11 %O application/pdf

EndNote Export Format

%0 Conference Proceedings %A Henderson, Charles %A Dancy, Melissa %D August 10-11 2005 %T Physics Faculty and Educational Researchers: Divergent Expectations as Barriers to the Diffusion of Innovations %B Physics Education Research Conference 2005 %C Salt Lake City, Utah %V 818 %P 149-152 %S PER Conference %8 August 10-11 %U

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Physics Faculty and Educational Researchers: Divergent Expectations as Barriers to the Diffusion of Innovations:

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