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Criteria for collapsing rating scale responses: A case study of the CLASS
written by Ben Van Dusen and Jayson M. Nissen
Assessments of students' attitudes and beliefs often rely on questions with rating scales that ask students the extent to which they agree or disagree with a statement. Unlike traditional physics problems with a single correct answer, rating scale questions often have a spectrum of 5 or more responses, none of which are correct. Researchers have found that responses on rating scale items can generally be treated as continuous and that unless there is good evidence to do otherwise, response categories should not be collapsed. We discuss two potential reasons for collapsing response categories (lack of use and redundancy) and how to empirically test for them. To illustrate these methods, we use them on the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey. We found that students used all the response categories on the CLASS but that three of them were potentially redundant. This led us to conclude that the CLASS should be scored on a 5-point or 3-point scale, rather than the 2-point scale recommended by the instrument developers. More broadly, we recommend the judicious use of data manipulations when scoring assessments and retaining all response categories unless there is a strong rational for collapsing them.
Physics Education Research Conference 2019
Part of the PER Conference series
Provo, UT: July 24-25, 2019
Pages 585-590
Subjects Levels Resource Types
Education Foundations
- Assessment
= Instruments
= Methods
- Research Design & Methodology
= Data
= Evaluation
= Statistics
= Validity
- Student Characteristics
= Affect
- Lower Undergraduate
- Upper Undergraduate
- Reference Material
= Research study
Intended Users Formats Ratings
- Researchers
- application/pdf
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This material is released under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the published article's author(s), title, proceedings citation, and DOI.
Rights Holder:
American Association of Physics Teachers
NSF Number:
PERC 2019
Record Creator:
Metadata instance created January 7, 2020 by Lyle Barbato
Record Updated:
January 8, 2020 by Lyle Barbato
Last Update
when Cataloged:
January 8, 2020
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AIP Format
B. Van Dusen and J. Nissen, , presented at the Physics Education Research Conference 2019, Provo, UT, 2019, WWW Document, (
B. Van Dusen and J. Nissen, Criteria for collapsing rating scale responses: A case study of the CLASS, presented at the Physics Education Research Conference 2019, Provo, UT, 2019, <>.
APA Format
Van Dusen, B., & Nissen, J. (2019, July 24-25). Criteria for collapsing rating scale responses: A case study of the CLASS. Paper presented at Physics Education Research Conference 2019, Provo, UT. Retrieved February 16, 2025, from
Chicago Format
Van Dusen, Ben, and Jayson Nissen. "Criteria for collapsing rating scale responses: A case study of the CLASS." Paper presented at the Physics Education Research Conference 2019, Provo, UT, July 24-25, 2019. (accessed 16 February 2025).
MLA Format
Van Dusen, Ben, and Jayson Nissen. "Criteria for collapsing rating scale responses: A case study of the CLASS." Physics Education Research Conference 2019. Provo, UT: 2019. 585-590 of PER Conference. 16 Feb. 2025 <>.
BibTeX Export Format
@inproceedings{ Author = "Ben Van Dusen and Jayson Nissen", Title = {Criteria for collapsing rating scale responses: A case study of the CLASS}, BookTitle = {Physics Education Research Conference 2019}, Pages = {585-590}, Address = {Provo, UT}, Series = {PER Conference}, Month = {July 24-25}, Year = {2019} }
Refer Export Format

%A Ben Van Dusen %A Jayson Nissen %T Criteria for collapsing rating scale responses: A case study of the CLASS %S PER Conference %D July 24-25 2019 %P 585-590 %C Provo, UT %U %O Physics Education Research Conference 2019 %O July 24-25 %O application/pdf

EndNote Export Format

%0 Conference Proceedings %A Van Dusen, Ben %A Nissen, Jayson %D July 24-25 2019 %T Criteria for collapsing rating scale responses: A case study of the CLASS %B Physics Education Research Conference 2019 %C Provo, UT %P 585-590 %S PER Conference %8 July 24-25 %U

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Criteria for collapsing rating scale responses: A case study of the CLASS:

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