Direct Current Electrical Motor Model
written by
Fu-Kwun Hwang and Loo Kang Wee
The Direct Current Electrical Motor Model illustrates a simple direct current (DC) motor. The model shows an external magnet (called the stator because it's fixed in place) and a turning coil of wire called an armature ( rotor or coil, because it rotates). The armature, carrying current provided by the battery, is an electromagnet, because a current-carrying wire generates a magnetic field; invisible magnetic field lines are circulating all around the wire of the armature. The key to producing motion is positioning the electromagnet within the magnetic field of the permanent magnet (its field runs from its north to south poles). The armature experiences a force described by the left hand rule. This interplay of magnetic fields and moving charged particles (the electrons in the current) results in the magnetic force (depicted by the green arrows) that makes the armature spin because of the torque. Use the slider current I to see what happens when the flow of current is reversed. The checkbox current flow & electron flow alows different visualization since I = d(Q)/dt and Q= number of charge*e. The Play & Pause button allows freezing the 3D view for visualizing these forces, for checking for consistency with the left hand rule .
Please note that this resource requires Java (JRE).
1 source code document is available
Direct Current Electrical Motor Source Code
The source code zip archive contains an EJS-XML representation of the Direct Current Electrical Motor Model. Unzip this archive in your EJS workspace to compile and run this model using EJS. download 82kb .zip Last Modified: June 13, 2014 previous versions
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<a href="">Hwang, Fu-Kwun, and Loo Kang Wee. "Direct Current Electrical Motor Model."</a>
AIP Format
F. Hwang and L. Wee, Computer Program DIRECT CURRENT ELECTRICAL MOTOR MODEL (2011), WWW Document, (
F. Hwang and L. Wee, Computer Program DIRECT CURRENT ELECTRICAL MOTOR MODEL (2011), <>.
APA Format
Hwang, F., & Wee, L. (2011). Direct Current Electrical Motor Model [Computer software]. Retrieved January 24, 2025, from
Chicago Format
Hwang, Fu-Kwun, and Loo Kang Wee. "Direct Current Electrical Motor Model." (accessed 24 January 2025).
MLA Format
Hwang, Fu-Kwun, and Loo Kang Wee. Direct Current Electrical Motor Model. Computer software. 2011. Java (JRE). 24 Jan. 2025 <>.
BibTeX Export Format
Author = "Fu-Kwun Hwang and Loo Kang Wee",
Title = {Direct Current Electrical Motor Model},
Month = {November},
Year = {2011}
Refer Export Format
%A Fu-Kwun Hwang %A Loo Kang Wee %T Direct Current Electrical Motor Model %D November 18, 2011 %U %O application/java
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%0 Computer Program %A Hwang, Fu-Kwun %A Wee, Loo Kang %D November 18, 2011 %T Direct Current Electrical Motor Model %8 November 18, 2011 %U Disclaimer: ComPADRE offers citation styles as a guide only. We cannot offer interpretations about citations as this is an automated procedure. Please refer to the style manuals in the Citation Source Information area for clarifications.
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Easy Java Simulations Modeling and Authoring Tool
The Easy Java Simulations Modeling and Authoring Tool is needed to explore the computational model used in the Direct Current Electrical Motor Model. relation by Wolfgang ChristianKnow of another related resource? Login to relate this resource to it. |
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