Use this Java applet to investigate how a pinhole camera produces an image.
Create your own virtual lens and observe the effect on incident light with this downloadable simulation from Open Source Physics (OSP).
Use this Java applet to demonstrate and help explain how a pinhole camera produces an image.
Create your own virtual lens and demonstrate the effect on incident light with this EJS simulation from Open Source Physics (OSP).
These workshop-style tutorials and accompanying activities guide students through various wave topics - including lenses.
Visit The Physics Classroom's Flickr Galleries and enjoy a photo overview of the topic of refraction and lenses.
Visit The Physics Classroom's Flickr Galleries and enjoy the terrific display of photos showing the refraction of light by dew drops.
Have some phun making (and using) a pinhole camera from an oatmeal box.
Learning requires action. Give your students this sense-making activity from The Curriculum Corner
Need ideas? Need help? Explore The Physics Front's treasure box of catalogued resources on ray optics, including the topic of lenses.
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