Ejs Intro 1D Motion Lab Model Documents

This material has 4 associated documents. Select a document title to view a document's information.

Main Document

Ejs Intro 1DMotionLab Model 

written by Anne Cox, Wolfgang Christian, and Mario Belloni
supported by the National Science Foundation

The Introductory Physics 1D Motion Lab program asks students to develop a model for a ball moving vertically under the influence of gravity. It is distributed as a ready-to-run (compiled) Java archive.  Double-clicking the ejs_intro_1DMotionLab.jar file will run the program if Java is installed. In order to modify this simulation (and see how it is designed), if you have Ejs installed, you can right-click within the simulation window and select Open Ejs Model from the pop-up menu. Information about Ejs (Easy Java Simulations) is available at: http://www.um.es/fem/Ejs/.
The Intro 1D Motion Lab program is one of a suite of Easy Java Simulations (Ejs) models used in Introductory Physics Labs. Ejs, a part of the Open Source Physics Project, and is designed to make it easier to access, modify and generate computer models.  Additional models can be found by searching ComPADRE for Ejs.

Last Modified June 5, 2014

This file has previous versions.

Supplemental Documents (2)

Ejs Intro 1DMotionLab Documentation 

A pdf document that briefly describes the Ejs Intro 1DMotionLab model. It describes how to use the stp_intro_1DMotionLab.jar file with Ejs and contains associated laboratory exercises and instructors notes.

Published May 29, 2008
Last Modified May 29, 2008

Ejs Intro 1DMotionLab Distribution 

The materials distributed in this directory are in support of the Introductory 1D-Motion Lab model. This distribution contains the Intro 1D Motion Lab model, documentation and laboratory exercises but not Ejs itself. Information about Ejs (Easy Java Simulations) is available at: http://www.um.es/fem/Ejs/.

Published May 29, 2008
Last Modified October 2, 2008

This file has previous versions.

Source Code Documents

Ejs Intro 1DMotionLab Source 

The source code zip archive contains an XML representation of the 1D Motion Lab model. Unzip this archive in your EJS workspace to compile and run this model using EJS.

Published October 2, 2008
Last Modified October 2, 2008

This file has previous versions.