written by
Eugenia Etkina
This paper contains a scholarly description of pedagogical practices of the Rutgers Physics/Physical Science Teacher Preparation program. The program focuses on three aspects of teacher preparation: knowledge of physics, knowledge of pedagogy, and knowledge of how to teach physics pedagogical content knowledge--PCK. The program has been in place for 7 years and has a steady production rate of an average of six teachers per year who remain in the profession. The main purpose of the paper is to provide information about a possible structure, organization, and individual elements of a program that prepares physics teachers. The philosophy of the program and the coursework can be implemented either in a physics department or in a school of education. The paper provides details about the program course work and teaching experiences and suggests ways to adapt it to other local conditions.
Released under a This article was published in Phys. Rev. ST Physics Ed. Research 6, 020110 and is available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
See DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevSTPER.6.020110 for full rights information.
Published August 31, 2010
Last Modified March 12, 2011
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