Developed by Andy Rundquist - Published October 3, 2016
DOI: 10.1119/PICUP.Exercise.foucaultpendulum
Subject Area | Mechanics |
Level | Beyond the First Year |
Available Implementation | Mathematica |
Learning Objectives |
Students who complete this set of exercises will
* be able to plot the approximate trajectory based on the typical textbook approach (**Exercise 1**),
* determine the full equations of motion for the inertial frame, making clear what the true origin is (center of the earth) and how all the forces work (**Exercise 2**),
* plot the motion of the pendulum in the inertial frame with a "camera" that moves with the earth (**Exercise 3**),
* determine the full equations of motion for the noninertial frame, making clear how all the forces work (**Exercise 4**),
* plot the motion of the pendulum in the noninertial frame (**Exercise 5**)
* compare the two approaches (**Exercise 6**)
* explore what happens when you change the oscillation speed (**Exercise 6**)
Time to Complete | 60 min |
These exercises are not tied to a specific programming language. Example implementations are provided under the Code tab, but the Exercises can be implemented in whatever platform you wish to use (e.g., Excel, Python, MATLAB, etc.).
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Credits and Licensing
Andy Rundquist, "Foucault Pendulum," Published in the PICUP Collection, October 2016,
DOI: 10.1119/PICUP.Exercise.foucaultpendulum
The instructor materials are ©2016 Andy Rundquist.
The exercises are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 license