Computational physics exercises and projects

Faculty Commons material developed by Jay Wang - Published July 31, 2019

This collection contains 197 exercises and projects from the book "Computational modeling and visualization of physical systems with Python", (Wiley, 2016). It is made available from a suggestion by a PICUP member in the hope that it is beneficial to the PICUP community. The collection covers a wide spectrum of computational problems from classical mechanics, chaos, statistical physics, to quantum scattering (see table of contents at the beginning). Though some exercises and projects refer to the context or algorithms in the book, many are self contained that one can use them fairly independent of the book. This is true especially considering the freely available sample programs from the book that form the basis for many exercises and projects. The up-to-date programs in Jupyter notebook and standard Python format can be found here: www.faculty.umassd.edu/j.wang/book , github.com/com-py/compy. See instructor's guide for more information.

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