Join PICUP and the ComPADRE network through our free registration.
To protect the solutions to PICUP exercise sets, only college faculty or high school teachers can download instructor materials including instructor guides, full solutions, completed code, etc.
Sorry, we don't recognize your username and/or password.
Some reasons this might be happening:
Under special circumstances, we can allow verification for people who are not faculty members, but who are working with a faculty member on an education-related project.
Below, provide contact information for someone who is already a PICUP Verified Educator who will be your sponsor. To verify your request, we will contact this person to make sure that this is a valid request.
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- Provide us with the email of the sponsoring faculty member who is already a PICUP Verfied Educator.
We will verify your request soon and email you when access is available.
We need an email address associated with your institution so that we can verify that you are who you say you are. This may or may not be the same as the email you use for your account.
Provide us with a link to a page at your institution that shows you are an educator: Things you can put in this box:
- URL of a website at your institution that lists you as a faculty member, teacher, instructor, or education researcher (preferred)
- URL of a journal article or conference description that lists you as an author or participant, and includes your email address
- an explanation of another way we can verify that you are an educator
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Provide us with a link to a page at your institution that shows you are an educator

(or with other information we can use to verify your educator status)