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55 Faculty Commons Items

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1D & 2D kinematics and Newton's laws of motion in STEPP

High School and First Year Mechanics

Developed by Midori Kitagawa, Mary Urquhart, Michael Kesden, Paul Fishwick, and Rosanna Guadagno

1D Elastic Momentum Coding Activity

High School Mechanics

Developed by Daniel Weller

Elastic Collision of Two Objects in One Dimension

First Year Mechanics

Developed by Kenneth Mellendorf

Available Implementation: Spreadsheet

Hungry Cat Game: A Semester-long Project for Introductory Mechanics

High School and First Year Mechanics

Developed by Deva O'Neil

Available Implementation: Glowscript

Orbital Motion

First Year and Beyond the First Year Mechanics

Developed by Kelly Roos

Available Implementations: MATLAB and Spreadsheet

Verify Centripetal Force by Spring and Radial Drag

First Year and Beyond the First Year Mechanics

Developed by Kenneth Mellendorf

Available Implementation: Spreadsheet

hanging mass pulling a cart

High School and First Year Mechanics

Developed by Kenneth Mellendorf

Available Implementation: Spreadsheet

Electric Field Simulation and Game

High School and First Year Electricity & Magnetism

Developed by Colleen Countryman and Ted Mburu

Electromagnetic Waves in 1D

Beyond the First Year and Advanced Electricity & Magnetism

Developed by Jordan McDonnell

Available Implementation: IPython/Jupyter Notebook

Introduction To Electric Fields

First Year Electricity & Magnetism

Developed by Josh Fuchs

Available Implementation: IPython/Jupyter Notebook

Introductory E&M Computational Modeling Activities

First Year Electricity & Magnetism

Developed by Todd Zimmerman

RC circuit with DC power

First Year Electricity & Magnetism

Developed by Kenneth Mellendorf

Available Implementation: Spreadsheet

Relativistic Phenomena in Classical Electrodynamics

Advanced Electricity & Magnetism and Modern Physics

Developed by Refath Bari

Wavepacket Widget

Beyond the First Year Modern Physics

Developed by Troy Messina

Available Implementation: IPython/Jupyter Notebook

1D Quantum Dynamics Assignment

Beyond the First Year Quantum Mechanics

Developed by Larry Engelhardt

Available Implementation: IPython/Jupyter Notebook

Collection of Freshman Physics Labs

High School and First Year Mechanics and Experimental / Labs

Developed by Sarah Phan-Budd

Available Implementation: IPython/Jupyter Notebook

Computation in the Introductory Physics Lab: An example

First Year Experimental / Labs

Developed by Jennifer Birriel

Available Implementation: Spreadsheet

Data analysis with Python

Beyond the First Year Experimental / Labs

Developed by Steve Dodge

Available Implementation: IPython/Jupyter Notebook

Horsepower Computational Laboratory Exercise

First Year Mechanics and Experimental / Labs

Developed by Kevin Adkins

Available Implementation: Spreadsheet

RC Circuits Computational Laboratory Exercise

First Year Electricity & Magnetism and Experimental / Labs

Developed by Kevin Adkins

Available Implementation: Spreadsheet

Analysis of Numeric Integration Methods

Beyond the First Year Mathematical / Numerical Methods

Developed by Walter Freeman

Divergence, Gradient, and Curl

Beyond the First Year Electricity & Magnetism and Mathematical / Numerical Methods

Developed by Troy Messina

Available Implementation: IPython/Jupyter Notebook

Laplace Equation Relaxation Method

Beyond the First Year Electricity & Magnetism and Mathematical / Numerical Methods

Developed by Troy Messina

Available Implementation: IPython/Jupyter Notebook

Notes on Euler and RK2 solvers

Beyond the First Year Mechanics and Mathematical / Numerical Methods

Developed by Walter Freeman

Scalar and Vector Fields

Beyond the First Year Electricity & Magnetism and Mathematical / Numerical Methods

Developed by Troy Messina

Available Implementation: IPython/Jupyter Notebook

Scientific Computation with Python in Jupyter Notebooks

Beyond the First Year Mathematical / Numerical Methods

Developed by Mark Matlin

Available Implementation: IPython/Jupyter Notebook

Vector Fields

Beyond the First Year Electricity & Magnetism and Mathematical / Numerical Methods

Developed by Troy Messina

Available Implementation: IPython/Jupyter Notebook

A Guerrilla Guide to Linux

First Year Programming Introductions

Developed by Walter Freeman

Computational Physics for Absolute Beginners

High School, First Year, Beyond the First Year, and Advanced Mathematical / Numerical Methods and Programming Introductions

Developed by W. Brian Lane

Computational physics exercises and projects

Beyond the First Year Mathematical / Numerical Methods and Programming Introductions

Developed by Jay Wang

Differentiation and Quadrature

Beyond the First Year Programming Introductions

Developed by Dawn Meredith

Available Implementation: Fortran

Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks and Python

First Year Mechanics, Electricity & Magnetism, Mathematical / Numerical Methods, and Programming Introductions

Developed by Michelle Kuchera

Available Implementation: IPython/Jupyter Notebook

Introductory Python Tutorials in Jupyter

High School, First Year, and Beyond the First Year Programming Introductions

Developed by Joshua Samani

Available Implementation: IPython/Jupyter Notebook

Investigating code efficiency

First Year and Beyond the First Year Mathematical / Numerical Methods and Programming Introductions

Developed by Michelle Kuchera

Available Implementation: IPython/Jupyter Notebook

Non Linear Curve Fitting

Beyond the First Year Experimental / Labs, Mathematical / Numerical Methods, and Programming Introductions

Developed by Deepshikha Shukla

Available Implementations: IPython/Jupyter Notebook and Spreadsheet

The Fibonacci Sequence

First Year Mathematical / Numerical Methods and Programming Introductions

Developed by Michelle Kuchera

Available Implementation: IPython/Jupyter Notebook

Modeling Local Temperature and Climate Change

Beyond the First Year and Advanced Mathematical / Numerical Methods, Programming Introductions, and Data Science / Big Data

Developed by David Syphers

Available Implementation: IPython/Jupyter Notebook

Time evolution of quantum spin systems with Qiskit

Beyond the First Year Quantum Computing / Information

Developed by Jarrett Lancaster

Available Implementation: IPython/Jupyter Notebook

Using Qiskit and IBM quantum computers to explore quantum mechanics

Beyond the First Year Quantum Computing / Information

Developed by Jarrett Lancaster

Computational Projects for Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics

Beyond the First Year Thermal & Statistical Physics

Developed by Marie Lopez del Puerto

Available Implementations: MATLAB and Spreadsheet

Fermi-Dirac Distribution

Advanced Thermal & Statistical Physics

Developed by Marie Lopez del Puerto

Available Implementation: MATLAB

Microstates, Multiplicities, and Probabilities for Simple Systems (Coin Flipping & Einstein Solids)

Beyond the First Year Thermal & Statistical Physics

Developed by Larry Engelhardt

Available Implementation: IPython/Jupyter Notebook

Building a wave packet

Beyond the First Year Electricity & Magnetism, Modern Physics, Quantum Mechanics, and Waves & Optics

Developed by Michelle Kuchera

Available Implementation: IPython/Jupyter Notebook

Simulation Led Optical Design Assessments

Advanced Waves & Optics

Developed by Vince Rossi

Available Implementation: Octave

NASA Low Resolution OMNI dataset

First Year and Beyond the First Year Astronomy

Developed by Michelle Kuchera

Available Implementation: IPython/Jupyter Notebook

Numerical Solution of the Friedmann Equation for the LCDM (Lambda Cold Dark Matter) Model

Beyond the First Year Mathematical / Numerical Methods and Astronomy

Developed by Brian Woodahl

Available Implementation: Mathematica

Numerical Solution to the Nonlinear Differential Equation for an Object Dropped High Above Earth

First Year and Beyond the First Year Mechanics, Mathematical / Numerical Methods, and Astronomy

Developed by Brian Woodahl

Available Implementation: Mathematica

The Kepler Problem, part 1

Beyond the First Year Mechanics and Astronomy

Developed by Walter Freeman

Three-body problem for Sun, Earth and Jupiter

Advanced Mechanics and Astronomy

Developed by David Nolte

Available Implementation: MATLAB

Radioactivity Simulation

Beyond the First Year Modern Physics and High Energy / Nuclear / Particle

Developed by Deva O'Neil

Available Implementations: Mathematica and Glowscript

Radiometric Dating Using VPython and Glowscript

Beyond the First Year Modern Physics, Programming Introductions, Astronomy, and High Energy / Nuclear / Particle

Developed by Michele Montgomery

Available Implementation: Glowscript

Rydberg formula

First Year and Beyond the First Year Electricity & Magnetism, Modern Physics, Mathematical / Numerical Methods, and Chemistry

Developed by Michelle Kuchera

Available Implementations: IPython/Jupyter Notebook and Python

COVID-19 Epidemiological Modeling

First Year and Beyond the First Year Biophysics

Developed by Robert Hilborn

Available Implementations: IPython/Jupyter Notebook and Mathematica

Collective motion of active matter

High School, First Year, and Beyond the First Year Condensed Matter Physics, Chemistry, and Biophysics

Developed by Kun-Ta Wu

Available Implementation: MATLAB

Pharmokinetics (Rates of change of medication concentrations)

First Year Mathematical / Numerical Methods, Chemistry, and Biophysics

Developed by Deva O'Neil

Available Implementation: Spreadsheet