Exploration 6.3: The Gravitational Force and Work

 v0x = m/s | AND | v0y = m/s

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A 1-kg ball is subjected to the force of gravity as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). The ball starts at x = 0 m and y = 0 m. You can vary the ball's initial velocity and view how this affects the motion of the ball and the ball's kinetic energy. Also shown are the graphs of force cos(θy) vs. positiony and kinetic energy vs. positiony where θy is the angle between the gravitational force and the ball's infinitesimal y displacement. Restart.

With v0x = 0 m/s and v0y = 0 m/s,

  1. In what direction does the net force on the ball point?
  2. How would you describe the kinetic energy vs. position graph?

With v0x = 10 m/s and v0y = 0 m/s,

  1. What is the ball's minimum kinetic energy?

With v0x = 10 m/s and v0y = 10 m/s,

  1. How would you describe the KE vs. position graph? Be explicit about what happens to the kinetic energy.
  2. What is the condition for the work done by gravity to be zero?
  3. What is the ball's minimum kinetic energy?

With v0x = -10 m/s and v0y = 10 m/s,

  1. How would you describe the kinetic energy vs. position graph? Be explicit about what happens to the kinetic energy.
  2. What is the condition for the work done by gravity to be zero?
  3. What is the ball's minimum kinetic energy?

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OSP Projects:
Open Source Physics - EJS Modeling
Physlet Physics
Physlet Quantum Physics
STP Book