Exploration 10.1: Constant Angular Velocity Equation

θ = + *t (θ is in radians)

check, then click set values and play to see "ghost" images set at equal time intervals to mark the path of the ball.

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By now you have seen the equation:  θ = θ0+ ω0*t. Perhaps you have even derived it for yourself. But what does it really mean for the motion of objects? This Exploration allows you to explore both terms in the equation: the initial angular position by changing θ0 from 0 radians to 6.28 radians and the angular velocity term by changing ω0 from -15 rad/s to 15 rad/s. Restart.

Answer the following questions (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds).

  1. How does changing the initial angular position affect the motion?
  2. How does changing the initial angular velocity affect the motion?

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